So you blame gun manufacturers for school shootings?
The US is doing genocide? No little buddy, it’s Israel doing the genocide. You don’t see people going on and on about North Korea invading Ukraine do you?
I don’t know anyone that has ever eaten at Subway and said “damn, that was really good”. It’s more of “eh, I’m not hungry anymore”.
No Amazon???
Having your own team trying to kill you says a lot too.
How do feel Wilbur Ross got appointed to Secretary of Commerce? You know, the same coal baron that bailed out the racist rapist with 34 felonies when he BANKRUPTED a casino during the casino boom. I’m sure that had nothing to do with him getting that position… /s
There’s plenty of he’s done that we could spend days talking about, but I’d love to hear you defend the one where he ended an Obama regulation that prevented coal-mining companies from dumping debris and waste into nearby streams. Seems pretty silly if you have more than a couple brain cells fighting for third place.
Back when Obama made it where you couldn’t be evicted and bailed out the auto industry, I had a friend that drove a car hauler. He wasn’t paying his house payment and lived for free for a year, and only had a job because of the bailout. He talked mad shit about the bailout and about people living and not paying their rent. This is republikkklown logic. I was blown away and said to him, he wouldn’t have a job or a place to live if it wasn’t for that. He said he’d live somewhere else and get a different job.
Since then, he lives with his wife and child in his mom’s house with a shit job and complains about people being on welfare. They don’t get it.