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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • You can’t ‘learn concepts by repetition’, that is not how learning works. You can learn a concept & repeat its application to be faster at it.

    And that’s the problem. What if the student didn’t catch the concept during the lesson? He or She needs help by a guardian or be punished for not completing the task.

    Same thing with the supposed self management skills. What if the student fails at it? He or she needs help by a guardian or will be punished.

    At the end of the day homework is a tool to offload tasks of the school to the guardians of the student. A schools system, that relies on homework, is a system that fails in its task of creating a level playing regardless of socioeconomic background of the student.

  • "Everyone is struggling with too much screen time,” said Ludivine, a cardiology nurse, as she had her hair cut into a bob, leaving her phone out of sight in her bag. “I voted in favour, this could be a solution.”

    I find it always funny, that you can read the narcissism & projection so clearly. “I have a phone addiction and I have recognised it. Now I am expecting everyone around me to restrain themself, to compensate for my lack of selfcontrol”

    And it’s always ‘the children’. If you don’t want your child to have access to a screen, don’t give it one. Society isn’t responsible to manage the screen time of your toddler. You are.

  • If you had to boil down, the german constitution into one short sentence, it would be ‘Never again’.

    So displaying the german flag at such an occasion, is acually one of the few occasions where it is appropriate to use it in an political context IMHO.

    And as a bonus point it gives nazis a taste of there own medicine, by taking symbols & language used by the opposition for your own movement. But in an non-stupid way this time.

  • You’re making the assumption that Europe should and would want to receive more migrants?

    Nope never said anything about migration policy. Don’t read things, I never wrote. I was talking about the fact that every Person arriving at the european border has a right to make there case, why they want to enter & stay at the EU. I never said anything, about how lenient this right should be given.

    Italy isn’t able to fulfill this duty of hearing any case individually. It was clear for everybody that the borderstates like Italy or Greece can’t fulfill this duty alone and that a treaty to spread this load is required & subsequently promised but never realised.

    And studies have shown that the best way to prevent mass migration of obvious reject cases in the first is to process the people fast, send them back & let them tell there story, if they have no right to stay. Letting people live in camps for months or years is seen as success at home.

  • Let’s not pretend the itialian government doesn’t create these inhumane conditions deliberately, in hopes of spreading stories of a cruel & not quite so rich Europe to prevent further migration. They do this because they are desperate, because there burocracy can’t cope with so many people.

    In an ideal world they would be distributed accross Europe. Moving 7000 people a day is no problem with good public infrastructure. But such treaties exists only in talks for decades. Not the number of people seeking refuge are responsible for the situation on Lampedusa, but the European governments who simply don’t care, even though such a treaty would be a direct consequence of a single border Europe.

  • Int_not_found@feddit.detoEurope@feddit.de*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Since the CDU still refers to them self as a party with christian values, I wanna point to the story of Judas, who sold his Messiah&God for a few coins. I find it rather fitting, that here a tax cut is the reason for cooperation.

    ‘Let’s give up all democratic values, in the hope of a few bucks extra in your pocket.’ Fucking pathetic, especally since tax cuts benefit mostly the rich.

  • The problem with that stance is that there are always behind the scenes talk, before the actual parliamentary vote. So the CDU and FDP-Legislators didn’t just coincidentally voted the same way as there AfD colleagues. There worked actively together to let this law pass.

    Through this they legitimises the Afd as just another party with a different ideological background, that can be worked with, if the situation requires it. The next logical step is to form a coalition to win the next administration, of course with the intend to control the minor partner AfD to prevent the radical stuff.

    And we went through this exact sequence of events in the past. The OC Nazis rose to power the exact same way.

    If you re in the minority you can’t always get what you want. Make yourself more attractive to voters, instead of colluding with Nazis to get your way. Negotiate & compromise harder with the other parties, instead of grabbing the get now & pay later with literal blood option.

    But that is hard & working with Nazis is easy.

  • As a Data Scientist I can say: The present danger from AI isn’t the the singularity. That’s science fiction. It’s the lack of comprehension what an AI is & the push to involve it more and more into certain decision making processes.

    Current AIs are at there cores just statistical models, that assign probabilities to answers, based on previously observed data.

    Governments and cooperations around the globe try to use these models to automate decisions. One massive problem here is the lack of transparency and human bias in the data.

    For example, when a cooperation uses an AI to determine who should be fired. You get fired, you try to complain, but you just get the answer the maschine had a wide variety of input data & you should have worked harder.

    We experienced in the past, that AIs focus on things we don’t necessarily want them to focus on. In the example from above maybe your job performance was better then your colleges Dave, but you are a PoC and Dave is white. In the past PoCs were more prone to get fired, so the AI decided, that you are the most probable answer to the question ‘Who should we fire?’.

    If a human would have made the decision you could interview him and discover the underlying racism in this decision. Deciphering the decision of an AI is next to impossible.

    So we slowly take away our ability to address wrongs in our burocratic processes, by cementing them into statistical models & thereby removing our ability to improve our societal values. AI has the potential to grind societies progress to a halt & drag easily fixable problems decades or centuries into the future.

  • Planes don’t tank more than needed for any flight.

    That is just an objectivly wrong statement.

    Fueling doesn’t happend instandly and the whole process (inluding new fuel calculations, calling the Fuel-Crew, driving up and attaching/detatching the tanker, signing off paperwork, etc) can take up to an hour, without a single drop of fuel being filled into the tanks.

    Planes often fly multiple short hops, well below they maximum possible range (e.g. between the Hawaiian Islands). If the pilots calculate, that they can stay below there landing weight, then they might opt to take fuel for multiple flights. Burning a few hundred kilos more fuel costs less than having a full crew twiddling there thumbs & letting ground personal run around for an hour.