The term has nothing to do with Tiananmen square and it’s usage actually predates the massacre by almost 40 years.
The term has nothing to do with Tiananmen square and it’s usage actually predates the massacre by almost 40 years.
Yes. You will not see content from an instance that has defederated your home instance or that your home instance has taken action and defederated from.
I agree, it shouldn’t feel like that. As someone who is bi and queer though, on top of all the normal trials and tribulations of dating there’s also a long list of people who don’t think I have the right to exist. I’d rather find out they’re a hate filled asshole as soon as possible so I can move on with my life. At this stage I won’t meet someone face to face unless we’ve chatted extensively online already. Even though I’m dooming hard I do still hope you find someone 😊
It’s really exhausting to the point that first dates feel like I’m interviewing them.
If it’s a first date, you are interviewing them. I’m sorry it feels exhausting for you though.
Let me know how your back feels in the morning
I haven’t had a chance to listen to the new album, but it’s a bit sad to hear it went in a poppier direction.
Honestly though, Worlds is a masterpiece that was created as pushback against the EDM trends of the time when it was released. It’s not necessarily unfair comparison, but it is a recipe for disappointment if that’s what you’re going to use as your baseline for all new music.
Most continental breakfasts I’ve seen run from 6-9AM and I’ve always interpreted it as a sneaky tactic hotels use to usher guests quickly out the door given that standard checkout time is usually 11AM.
I just want to say - I sincerely appreciate you! You’re a nice person, internet stranger, and I hope you are having a good day.
Jokes on you. I’m the Grey Fox and you’ll never catch me!
Same. There was a certain point where I was like “why am I still reading this” and I scrolled down to see the cartoon hero looking guy and figured I’d stick it out but it just never had a good payout.
I’ve recently started wondering how many people are here because they’re too toxic for regular social media rather than because they want to be here.
This has largely been my operating assumption as well since day one when I came over during the Reddit API lockdown. I was fairly active on a NSFW alt up until recently and I’ve actually seen dozens of comments from new users mentioning that the only reason they were here on Lemmy was because they were banned from Reddit and had no other viable options. They were always an asshole to the posters and the reality is that with a lower population of users is that there aren’t enough other voices to drown out these people yet and you end up with a feedback loop of toxicity.
I get it. I do standard deadlifts first thing on my back day because I don’t like fatiguing my posterior chain on leg day, but it definitely causes grip problems by the end of my workout. Maybe it’s just me, but you’ll probably be lifting lower weights typically with an RDL which may be where the comments are coming from.
I’m going to disregard the original comment because a lot of factors are going into the impressiveness and everyone’s body is different, but you can’t really compare your flat bench progression with your deadweight lifts accurately to gauge progress. Either way, progress is progress and congrats on your gains friend!
I agree that I don’t think the writing team were truly fans of the show or at the very least were receiving pressure and editing from those that were not. That was my overall impression as well.
I think it’s important to keep in mind though that typically an adaptation isn’t meant for people that are already a fan of the show. They are usually created with the intent of attracting new fans that may have been put off by the previous medium.
I think it was just a poor choice for a live action adaptation in the end. It’s a character driven show that thrives on nuance and atmosphere and a lot of that just doesn’t translate. I would have been willing to see what they grew into, but I lost a lot of faith in the writing with how badly vicious and Julia were butchered. It was just so bad watching them turn Vicious into a bumbling, incompetent clown and Julia an abused housewife. Maybe if Watanabe was involved in the same way that Oda was for the One Piece adaptation it may have had a chance.
I watched all but the last episode before I just couldn’t do it anymore. The show had its moments, but it just never quite came together. The acting for the main crew was pretty decent, Jet was phenomenally done. The changes they made for Vicious and Julia are pretty sacrilegious and hard to watch.
I am very surprised that there is only one legitimate reference to the original coining of these terms from the beginning of the French Revolution so far in this thread asking what these terms mean.
Given the context from the title, I interpreted it as referencing the wine brand, “Josh”
Yes, people genuinely believe that the social credit exists.