Both of these things can be true. You can’t discount the rich and their ability to do evil in multiple dimensions with one choice.
Mid 30’s IT/Medical Device support and quality guy. I like cycling, video games, and singing.
Both of these things can be true. You can’t discount the rich and their ability to do evil in multiple dimensions with one choice.
Or be like me and spend too much time/money finding a tool that might be good only to never use it because brain says, “I’m bored, find new hobby” every couple of business days.
Listen, you. Get out of my head and wallet. I do this and it makes me so sad. looks longingly at the paints I bought for models
True. That was my peak wrestling watching era.
You also have to consider the audience Trump is trying to please. Who is going to pull more people? Steve Mnuchin talking about Trump glowingly or a clown wrestler that Trump’s fans remember as a childhood hero backing their pick?
I thought that was called using meth?
Youtube tutorials on how to game Wendys out of free Baconators if you go in at 0135AM precisely are in our future.
The real reward was the genitals we saw along the way.
Could be if we tried. The democrats have been neo-lib appeasement artists because they are a part of the ruling class. This system cannot hold. Something will change. We just have to wait and see which way it breaks. Either way, I’m already doing the work to see a world I want. I don’t care about the noise. Arguments like “Life ain’t fair” are a poor substitute for putting yourself out there. I used to think much the same way. But, I had to do something about how bad it is getting.
You see all these people out here suffering and still say this? Where in the world can I get what you are taking because I’d love to be able to tune out everything that hard.
I don’t identify as a communist. I just don’t want life to be unreasonably difficult for people. Thats it. I just what the promise of what labor was supposed to be. I want it to free us from the shackles of work or die. Guess that is extreme left now even with tankies around the corner from us.
In the marketplace of ideas, rightwing thoughts will be mocked, as they always should been…
I love the attention to detail that Ocean is the developer. All those horrible 90s movie games. chefs kiss
It blows my mind how this keeps coming up. I guess I prefer the strange lawyer ads as our current meme for Cleveland over the balloon fiasco or the burning river.
I don’t know who woke up and chose violence today but, damn.
see, my brain went to electrical engineering and thought the circuit doesnt supply enough current due to load and the light turned off lol