If you aren’t storing your keys in S1, A1-10 what are you even doing? S4, B3 is for beef jerky, and S2, C2 is for volotiles but nothing nearly as bad as S2, C4 for what should be clear reasons. S4, D2-20 is for dice obviously,
If you aren’t storing your keys in S1, A1-10 what are you even doing? S4, B3 is for beef jerky, and S2, C2 is for volotiles but nothing nearly as bad as S2, C4 for what should be clear reasons. S4, D2-20 is for dice obviously,
wait how is this possible to be a dough boy AND have ripped abs. Where does one learn this magic.
I forgot I had an icon pack on. Original is actually worse. No large silhouettes to work with.
Counterpoint is the bullshit Google did with all their icons. Same exact colors with different shapes makes quick differentiation an actual challenge.
Honestly though, he’d be proud of you.
My wife started to tear up during the final montage. Unrelated, I happened to be sitting under a sprinkler.
Do we have a Confusing Perspective on here yet? This should be the mascot.
Finally someone speaks the truth. Top 6 and top 12 is where it’s at right now.
And the second that it is economically viable the companies will be dumping their bricklayers/carpenters down the drain and replacing them with computer controlled construction methods.
The logo in the bottom corner is for Bad Dragon and Flint is one of the names of their dragon dick dildos. XL being the size.
Pro tip. If you whisper your request to Alexa it will whisper back to you which will greatly decrease your chances of getting caught setting this up.
It’s slightly over 2 years old, definitely not a generated image.
It’s really bad compression. It’s a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot from 2 years ago. The original as far as I can tell is from Facebook.
Reverse image searching this for… reasons, shows an original post date of a Facebook screenshot 2 years ago. Image generators were absolutely in their infancy and you would be lucky if you got a single finger with the correct amount on knuckles let alone the amount of hands here with the correct amount of fingers.
Here you go degenerate, NSFW obviously.
well… there is the one guy posting an image of porn made out of spaghetti LITERALLY every single hour.
are copypasta a thing on Lenny yet because of not… here’s a good a start as any.
I currently have 306 tabs open in chrome on my phone. That might be about average for me if I had to guess.
i world rock that setup if and ONLY if someone else is doing the maintenance.