But he doesn’t even wield absolute power. The bit he does hold seems to have been enough.
Calculator Manipulator
But he doesn’t even wield absolute power. The bit he does hold seems to have been enough.
So does mumble!
Yea, exploding heads made the rounds a couple of times, but after actually checking them out it became clear it’s run by a teenager surrounded by other 10-15 teenagers. A few main instances blocked it and it died. The main teenager then started hilarious chaos as a whitelist-only instance, but because it did not attract anyone - federation was reenabled at some later point.
There’s a difference between a couple of edgy teens and a big set of ideological morons who keep causing trouble.
Defederation is a nuclear option - at the time user-level blocking was not a thing; nowadays it’s not a problem.
TL;DR - freedom of speech as much as possible, with limits when it becomes necessary.
Thanks for a genuine laugh!
Yea, it’s a constant battle. FWIW - try getting the important people onto signal. I use molly client and it has its own mechanism to sync messages in real time, or at least close enough to real time that I haven’t noticed.
One of the unexpected benefits of running grapheneos is that shit like whatsapp can’t cope without having play services available and, as such, doesn’t really do real time notifications. It still checks in every now and then, but that’s definitely bettee than it working “properly”.
Serves as a reminder that there’s always someone faster than you!
That is literally the way it works now. As an example - go to https://phtn.app/. Photon is a UI for lemmy. That specific website is hosted by the developer and you can log into any instance. I think Alexandrite and Voyager webapps act the same, but I haven’t tried them, so can’t be sure atm.
and the fish tasted great.
It’s them critters, I’m telling you!
I’ve skimmed over the blog post briefly - the post itself has nothing, but the link in it to the git repo has a (what appears to me) very straightforward set of instructions.
Text is difficult, I don’t mean to be an ass; I don’t want to spell it out for anyone, either. Part of magic dies that way :)
Let me know if there’s any step you need a hand with.
I’ve already made the decision to defed .ml for their commie registration form stunt. Hearing shit like this makes me want to start my own world news sub. Blackjack and hookers optional.
This is so old it was actually relevant to me when it came out!
I was not aware, no :(
What the fuck got to Slovakia?
While fitting, this is, unfortunatelly, a prank.
No, that’s normal. Might look strange for a native english speaker, but it definitely normal in othet languages.
I think gradient would’ve benefitted from a logarithmic scale. For things like r&d doubling the investment in a developing country means so much more than in a developed one.
This meme is pushing it because, well, meme. And that’s all fine.
As a non-native atheist speaker, though, I have to say “happy holidays” just doesn’t roll off the tongue the way “merry christmas” does.
It’s not a big deal at all, but I do find it annoying at the minimal level.
Your comment made no sense at first. And then I checked comment counts on other instances 😀
No drama in this corner of the fediverse :)