Ancient vines, badly remade. More at 11.
Ancient vines, badly remade. More at 11.
How fancy, white savior complex, telling me what I should be offended about, and trying to normalize silencing voices with the age old line of “knowing their place”.
Because no white queers are being raped, abused and murdered in conversion camps. Honestly, people like you who keep trying to segregate people with a mix of Oppression Olympics, “Reverse, punching up Racism”(Spoiler alert, that is just racism), and gatekeeping just to paint yourselves as poor, pearl-clutching victims.
I hope some day you grow up and develop some kindness, people like you give us queers a bad rep. If you want to help people, do positive things and help, instead of just whining with a “You can’t sit with us, you’re the wrong color” sign.
Dank is entirely subjective, and even if we were born in the same “back then”, our danks can be completely incompatible. There isn’t an agenda, it is just another extension of capitalism and profitability.
BTW, sorry for getting defensive. But yeah, I work on what I can and since my country is very shitty about disabilities, and being disabled, cooking and any manual labor take me forever, and for me the morality aspect of it is placing the burden of vegetarian and vegan diets on the consumer, when in reality is is easier and cheaper to manufacture, if we exclude subsidies.
I don’t harbor any animosity against vegetarians or vegans, it is a lot of work, I used to be vegan myself, but convenience and prices pushed me out. I always question myself before giving an argument, and finding out I am wrong is a great way to grow and remind myself how fallible we people are.
I think it is immoral to expect me to increase my workload by a ton through cooking, when I don’t even have the time to take care of myself thanks to capitalism. Sadly, due to enormous subsidies meat is cheap, readily available and vegetarian/vegan options are scarce and overpriced where I live.
Added to the fact that the effort vs impact table is pretty much meaningless when you assess all the damage to the world that the rich are doing, it just feels like a gargantuan waste of my energy and resources, to not even move the needle.
And I get to piss off sanctimonious, preachy people like you in the process, win/win.
For the planet? Doubt it, the amount of primary forests being razed to grow soy, displacing local wildlife be it flora or fauna, and especially with locals, usually already living in difficult situations before being forced to move, is horrid.
I am glad college gave me the habit of fact checking myself, turns out I was wrong as fuck. True, soy is a water intensive but not as water intensive as many other crops or meat. And a lot of companies buy cheap land, raze what was there, “poison” the soil with specific fertilizers that change the properties of said land so the soy can prosper, while also alienating the local plants, however most companies that do this, do it to feed livestock, since soy is very efficient and resilient when compared to most livestock feed.
Plus, only about 6% of soy is destined for human consumption, about 90% of it is used as a cheap livestock feed. I still oppose to veganism from a moral standpoint, and consider that buying local would make a far greater impact, but now I can go back to buying tofu without feeling guilty.
What the devil is up with that picture and the 3 o’clock shadow, blurry skin and disturbingly HD mole? And must I mention her maw?
Well, someone like you won over a homophobic teenager with kindness and a good faith discussion almost three decades ago. And that teen, once he stopped hating for half a second, found out that he was gay himself, so thank you for engaging with those voices.
I won’t tell you to keep doing it, since it is exhausting and I can’t tell you what to do, but know that those efforts are hardly a complete waste.
You’re fantastic.