Yeah it’d be a similar reaction if Jasmine & Aladdin were recast as northern Europeans. Sure it’s a fantasy tale, but the story is set in a fantasy version of Arabia.
The moment that it’s possible to donate directly towards the development of firefox, there’s roughly 10€/yr with their name on it. As it stands however, Mozilla is not funding FF at all, but rather extracting money from the project.
Well, I think we’re at an impasse, let’s agree to disagree and leave it at that. Hope you have a decent day, fellow Lemming :)
So? That doesn’t automatically make communists into anarchists (nor vice-versa for that matter).
No. There’s a spectrum of both communism and anarchism, their intersection tends to be known as anarcho-communism. An example of non-anarchist communism is vanguardist communism, which is inherently authoritarian (and anti-anarchist).
Just like there are many brands of far right (nazis, religious fanatic), there are many brands of far-left - anarcho-socialists, communists etc.
I see Tintin meme, I upvote. Make more memes with Tintin & cpt. Haddock pls
The socdems and left wing no longer espouse the politics that allowed us to develop to this point. Under their reign 2014-2022 the decline of electricity infrastructure, welfare, law & order as well as social cohesion has rapidly increased. I can go into details if you’d like, but the long and short of it is that they aren’t really a “workers party” with classic socdem values anymore. It’s getting to the point that many in our national union think it should disassociate from the socdems.
Yeah, we can still however analyze the statement f(x)=100x$/1x$ lim(x->inf) and clearly come to the conclusion that as the number of bills x approaches infinity will be equal to 100.
However, limes exists as a tool to avoid infinities and this exact problem when using calculus for practical applications - and as such it doesn’t apply here.
The thing is that this isn’t just about Tesla and their employees/contractors - our entire labour market is built on collective negotiations between workers and the employers. If a single big corp gets away with preventing unionization amongst its employees, it may very well upend the entire thing. Hence why other unions act in solidarity and other companies don’t even try to support tesla - as doing so could very well lead to the strike spreading and becoming a general strike.
What cartoon is that gal from? Seems recognizeable, but can’t remember where I’ve seen it before