Dammit Canada get your shit together and recognize Palestine
Dammit Canada get your shit together and recognize Palestine
Best reverse image searching is turning up is “Explosion/Explosive”
So maybe explode flavour in mouth?
To be fair, if a guillotine is used, the blood pressure drop is probably going to knock you out before the searing pain prior to death kicks in, so a stubbed toe could arguably feel worse
That is literally how hot air balloons work
So yes, that actually works, you just need a REALLY big sack
After the olympics, it’s now “What’s in your genes?” being (willfully?) mistaken as “What’s in your jeans?”
My answer is a knife :)
Sounds like they went to shit between when I bought my last one and now. That’s a shame, will need to find another company now
Rizz = Charisma Simp = Insult basically meaning somebody who would do anything to get attention from someone (typically a man wanting attention from a woman) No cap = No lie/For real
Skibidi = ??? Mad = Intensifier ; So mad rizz = Immense charisma Ohio = Boring/Dull GOAT = Greatest Of All Time FR = For Real
All I could gather from skibidi, even with googling as it was the only one of two (ohio being the other) I had no about, was that it changes meaning depending on the sentence
e.g. Sick can mean ill or awesome, (The) Shit is good and (This is) Shit is bad
Jizard makes me think of something COMPLETELY different
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a cupcake recipe
You didn’t make it too clear initially, but you’re basically saying, “I’m anti fascism and will vote for whatever the least harmful option is. Voting for the least harmful option does not mean you are pro that option”, right?
Spongebob HAS shown an immunity to all damage provided he’s got moisture
If it’s in the ocean, Spongebob (eventually) wins via attrition
If it’s in hell, Satan wins without even trying
Something else that gets missed is that the GoP tends to be one solid voting block - They vote pretty monolithically. As such, it almost always benefits the GoP when one votes third party. It’s similar to why the GoP can get stuff passed when in power and the Dems can’t - In fighting and arguments split up votes for only one side, typically
The rent they pay is eating the various creepy crawlies that would otherwise draw in and be food for fuck massive house centipedes
If it has no power, then it can’t detect anything. It’s like a driver falling asleep
Yes, it shouldn’t happen and something clearly went horribly wrong, but well, the one asleep at the wheel isn’t going to be detecting things
Yeah, still an utterly disastrous fuck up. Just wanted to point out that collision systems wouldn’t matter in this case
Apparently, the Dali lost all power. Anti collision kind of needs power to work, so having it would not matter regardless
Ignoring the joke, it is actually obsolete. The last ninja family refuses to name a successor, pass on certain techniqies, etc. so technically, no more official ninja
I wonder if enough people doing this would poison the AI into offering this now and then with no prompt?
I am looking to that. Been exposed to a LOT of second hand smoke growing up, and I have various medical problems that increase my risk for cancer, and also the wildfires I’ve had to work in…
People, smoking doesn’t just affect you, and also who the fuck leaves all the doors and windows in a house open during thick wildfire smoke and then demands the person having an anxiety attack to help with heavy lifting outside like come the fuck on