Isn’t it 3 keystrokes as you have to press a modifier to get the “/” ?
“-s” should be two as no modifier is needed.
I feel kinda bad for wills children. Imagine you are in front of the whole world while growing up. Plus you get groomed to be a “star” so from the start your values and worldview are skewed.
All of us did and sad stupid shit while growing up. That’s part of the process. But it wasn’t broadcasted.
That said I still think being that rich is a crime against humanity and those people should give away most of their money.
Smartphone in his right Hand. Thats why the angle is a bit of.
They clearly aren’t. Only a complete fool would say otherwise.
Can but how feasible is that?
It stands for “Lord gave big tits”. The driver has huge moops from eating all the Jesus.
Because it is comfortable and conveys emotions. If you are not uncomfortable and push those emotions down till you reach the point of critical hear failure, you are not acting masculine.
Didn’t read the books and can’t remember much of the movie but one thing.
The way the zombies moved as a fluid.
That was the best depiction of horde behavior I have seen. The thought that they climb over obstacles by climbing over each other was brilliant and scary.
This image reminds me oft a puke puddle i saw once.
Isnt it fifty shades for Teens? In the sense that fifty shades started as twilight fan fiction?
Great band name!
Same here. The world is unjust so act accordingly.
Which doesn’t mean be an asshole to everybody and steal everything you can but be an asshole to assholes and steal from franchises.
I don’t. I try to migrate over to Linux and the there is the Paketmanager which has a GUI. I guess you could do the same with the store?