A workday was also like 4 hours or less in biblical times though.
The idea that people in the past worked long, grueling hours due to lack of technology is a myth. People had way more free time in those days.
A workday was also like 4 hours or less in biblical times though.
The idea that people in the past worked long, grueling hours due to lack of technology is a myth. People had way more free time in those days.
I only learned about it from the “Well There’s Your Problem” podcast. Can’t believe my school never talked about it. We did hear all about Challenger though as well as a few other disasters where the lesson was “If you cut corners, or take chances, people can DIE”
The real answer is that bathroom scales have god awful precision and accuracy.
Ah, makes sense now.
When did we switch to that instead of CP?
The largest field for people with psychology or sociology degrees is advertising. They know how people think, how societies think, and are getting better at influencing both every day.
Lol, you want me to spell it out for you dumb-dumb? Ok
4.7% believed to be in the hands of a single person,
You’re talking about Satoshi Nakamoro here. Other than a few test cases, no Bitcoin has ever been moved out of these wallets and Satoshi disappeared in 2010. People have continued to donate to these wallets over the years as a kind of tribute and to burn coins. While it’s technically possible he’s still alive, the fact that there has been zero movement from those accounts and that any movement, no matter how small, would immediately be seen and reported on makes it unlikely that these will ever be touched.
3.1% in the hands of four addresses.
Those are exchange addresses. It’s like trying to say that 4 entities control a percentage of all US currency and then it turns out you’re just talking about banks.
Deflatory so no incentive to use it to make transactions
Except of course the security, the fact it can be used across borders by anyone with an Internet connection, in poorer countries it can be more stable than their own currency, and just general preference.
Value depends on the network effect (i.e. a pyramid scheme)
This is absolute nonsense with “pyramid scheme” attached to the end. As more people use it, the value goes up because it’s accepted more and more places and has a higher liquidity? That’s literally part of every currency ever.
Small transactions now too expensive to be realistic
You show your hand that you haven’t bothered to update your views on Bitcoin since 2019. Not only are fees back to being low on the main network, with the introduction and adoption of the Lightning Network, fees are down to pennies or less.
24% of the supply was created in the first year, 35% over two years.
Yes, that’s how halving works. You present that with an insinuation that any point they could just mint more btc. This is ignorance at best, but more likely intentionally misleading.
Movement of funds takes too long to be useful.
Again, guess you haven’t been paying attention for a few years. This issue has been solved with the Lightning Network with transactions usually going through faster than tap-to-pay transactions with a regular debit/credit card.
Those who got in early are guaranteed to be richer than those who got in late without having made any effort.
Welcome to every investment opportunity. Those who get in early take a higher risk for more reward.
So yea, every point either misleading, or straight up wrong.
I love posts like this, it lets me know most people still don’t have the first clue what they’re talking about. It’s honestly a bit impressive how nearly every point you tried to make is either misleading or straight up wrong.
I think it would have to be B due to the laws of relative motion. It was easier for me to think about when I considered the opposite case. Imagine someone is on a vehicle, for example a boat, with one portal on the boat and the other on the shore. You wouldn’t expect someone casually walking through the portal on the boat while it’s moving to suddenly experience the momentum of the boat after exiting. This is because the person and the portal are both experiencing the same motion.
Going back to the original scenario, the relative motion of the people entering the portal is as fast as the trolly is moving. If there was no portal, they would experience the same force if the trolly ran into them as they would if they ran into a stationary trolly at the same speed.
You have to do funny things with the conservation of momentum when dealing with hypothetical portals because the portals allow you to abruptly change the frame of reference.
I thought China already accomplished this last year?
I guess we’re at the normie stage since OP apparently doesn’t know how this meme works.
Imagine defending advertisements.
Sorry, but I’m not a fucking product. I don’t care who’s pushing them.
Let me give you a hypothetical that’s close to reality. Say an artist gets very popular, but doesn’t want their art used to teach AI. Let’s even say there’s even legislation that prevents all this artist’s work from being used in AI.
Now what if someone else hires a bunch of cheap human artists to produce works in a style similar to the original artist, and then uses those works to feed the AI model? Would that still be stolen art? And if so, why? And if not, what is this extra degree of separation changing? The original artist is still not getting paid and the AI is still producing works based on their style.
And what if the human running the AI likes one of these “mistakes” and tells the AI to run with it?
Which besides your paycheck is… what exactly? Or are these hypothetical streams of income once you get out of the “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” hole you’re in.
How are massive subsidies for businesses “smaller government”?
Alright, I can think of a few instances given that context. Funny how it’s original usage is now relatively uncommon.
Isn’t “You” always singular? The words it’s accompanied by make the overall statement plural. Like “you guys” or “you all”. My brain might be slow this morning, but I can’t think of any instance where it’s plural without an accompanying word.
It is near impossible for a consumer in the US to waste food.
This is because the massive amount of waste that’s produced by grocery stores makes any conversation of consumer waste a moot point.
In this instance, for example, if he didn’t use that Nutella, odds are it would wind up in the dumpster a few weeks later, still completely sealed and untouched by anyone.