America’s Test Kitchen is one of the only apps I pay a subscription for. It’s pretty phenomenal. I usually try to find something from Kenji Lopez-Alt, Binging with Babish, or Claire Saffitz first but I ALWAYS know I will find something good on ATK.
America’s Test Kitchen is one of the only apps I pay a subscription for. It’s pretty phenomenal. I usually try to find something from Kenji Lopez-Alt, Binging with Babish, or Claire Saffitz first but I ALWAYS know I will find something good on ATK.
YouTube recipes have gotten hit or miss for me and I blame TikTok. They have become super short without lots of relevant information. If you’re lucky they will display the ingredient quantity on screen for a second before moving on.
I recently was looking for a new recipe to try and found so many YouTube “recipes” that read like a Great British Bake Off Challenge.
Step 1: Gather ingredients Step 2: Make dough Step 3: Cook. Enjoy! Like and subscribe, check out my Patreon, TikTok, Instagram, tumbler, Etsy, Nebula, floatplane, and OnlyPans!
Aftermarket hard top that locked into the top of the tailgate. You could unlock the tailgate but wouldn’t be able to pull it down.
If memory serves me the hardtop keys were given to someone to get a tool and never returned to the driver.
I have been in that exact position before. The hard cover was locked and the keys for it disappeared somewhere on the job site. We needed the piece of crown moulding to finish a job we were working on so we did exactly what you see in the photo.
I will copy my response to another poster:
Can’t speak for the US as a whole but everywhere I’ve lived Domino’s is the cheapest. I can get a medium 2 topping pizza at dominoes for $6.99. We have 3 family run traditional pizza places within driving distance of where I live, for a 2 topping medium pizza they cost: $14.75, $15.99, or $18.99.
Can’t speak for the US as a whole but everywhere I’ve lived Domino’s is the cheapest. I can get a medium 2 topping pizza at dominoes for $6.99. We have 3 family run traditional pizza places within driving distance of where I live, for a 2 topping medium pizza they cost: $14.75, $15.99, or $18.99.
It’s a phrase some people use. Specifically prevalent in California. “Parking their Ass in the left lane” Means somebody driving in the left lane at 10mph below the speed limit.
OK, bro. This is a little too soon. 260 innocent people are dead in an entirely unprovoked attack. The time for jokes is not not possibly not ever.
It bothers me that the chosen position for the tests in the research paper is the T-pose. That would be like testing the aerodynamics of two cars with different bumpers while also having all the doors wide open. Just doesn’t make sense.
Give me a neutral posture, a mid walk stride, and lastly the superman flight pose, least realistic but most in need of answering in my opinion. Side note: I want a research paper breakdown of the different superman poses to determine which is best.
If you wanted to have the aerodynamics tested with wind hitting the body from the front like the original test then the legs should also be spread (stop what you’re thinking pervert) in the fashion of a skydivers neutral position.
I want it… nay, I neeeeed it.
The right direction is to the left.
Seems like to correct solution is to sell the kid for more bionicles.
I need an alarm clock that does this automatically.
I saw a sign at the local grocery store that said “Happy Hallow-Thank-Mas Season!” I was physically ill.
Please don’t give them any ideas. It’s bad enough already.
Speaking as an American here… could we NOT park cars in the left lane. I’ve seen enough habits of drivers in other countries where the left lane is exclusively for passing, it’s so simple and superior for traffic but Americans be dumb selfish shits behind the wheel.
wait, are you guys not exfoliating your skin before each session? You ask ate really missing out.
Seriously! Goodwill had great dreams on lightly used underwear that big box stores simply can’t compete with!
I have masterclass and will often put on Hams Zimmer lessons when headed to sleep. His voice is as fire as his music.
Yup! And because of this show we have one of the greatest remix/covers of all time: