Sch, it starts with sch. You German bad
Germans nationalized Swedish power plants? TIL
Hovercraft, but yes
There is no good way to use gender neutral language in German. The language works differently than English.
So people came up with workarounds like putting stars in nouns to include both forms of the word for male and female but German grammar does not work well with this. There is also no good equivalent to using “they” as a neutral pronoun.
People still are trying to figure out how to make German more inclusive but this isn’t easy.
Don’t be ignorant.
What kind of brain rot bullshit straw man crap is this?
Futurama, yo
Same as people throwing a fit how there were black officers in Napoleon’s army in the 2023 film, not thinking that this could be possible, showing their lack of historical knowledge and ignorance.
You could have just told us that you are a moron.
People no longer understand what meme means. Memes are old as time. Stories, jokes, funny images. Pretty much every form of information can be a meme.
So, yes, this is a slightly older meme.
Germans like this FOSS shit
Huh? It is right there in the post.
This period of peace in Western Europe is pretty special and I would like to keep it that way, thx