If the GOP wanted to counterattack, they could always start funding hyper-progressive candidates too 🙂
I sometimes admin. But usually not.
If the GOP wanted to counterattack, they could always start funding hyper-progressive candidates too 🙂
Hey, I maintain a highly popular (if niche) FOSS library. Where the fuck is my big tech paycheck where they bribe me into integrating with their product?
/s Silly take IMO, relies on cherry-picking popular FOSS projects where you can see “the influence” of big tech, AND then No True Scotsman your way into saying that they’re not allowed to participate in the development/influence of FOSS because… checks notes they’re the ones funding the project/putting money in front of otherwise unpaid volunteers?
If you end up coming up with a better scheme for things that has the actual practical effect of compensating devs appropriately (yes, that means at current market rates or better) for their work, then please let us know so we can switch to doing that immediately. I will literally do anything you suggest if it would achieve that end.
Hold up: what drama? I thought everyone was just dragging their feet on implementing compatibility for it
@Clbull non deep-fried version: https://twitter.com/IdiotOfTheEast/status/1680986110590320642?s=19
Other people have already commented on how federated social media often requires certain data just for implementations to work and make sense, and there’s not much more to add to that.
If you want private, end-to-end-encrypted, decentralized communication, the best modern solution to that is #matrix.
I feel like her reply is just as likely to be to call him a race traitor or whatever. It’s hard to reason with people who gatekeep that hard