Although the current situation is figuratively making me throw up each time I think about it, what else is she supposed to do? Half of the European governments are far right.
Although the current situation is figuratively making me throw up each time I think about it, what else is she supposed to do? Half of the European governments are far right.
Jesus Christ. They’re literally sending spies now. To a funeral no less. What a bunch of fucking ghouls. I’m just pirating shit out of principle now…
Germany explores 4-day workweek amid shortage of labor willing top work for less than they’re worth
And digitalisation has been and still is an afterthought. In fact, budget for the modernisation of the tech development of the country has been cut yet again for 2024. Add to that the meteoric rise of the far right movement in politics, endangering the needed influx of migrants to bolster the trade-craft workforce. Germany is poised to continue losing it’s status as european power-house and slide into irrelevance.
Do you have examples for the sites that don’t render correctly? I’m genuinely curious since I haven’t encountered that issue in like a decade.
Same story at my company. Everybody’s crying at the lack of skilled labor to justify outsourcing to east europe and india. Couple years later everybody’s crying because of the brain drain and how expensive external ressources have become. It’s a never ending circle of short sighted stupidity.
I don’t understand the need for an ultimatum. This is common knowledge since it’s all over the news. The UN was pretty clear on this according to CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/09/middleeast/un-rights-chief-israel-hamas-war-crimes-hnk-intl/index.html
That’s super interesting. So ads are possibly only half as effective in Europe?
100% this. I’d argue though, that the price point is fair. In 2018, Facebook earned an average of roughly $110 in ad revenue per American user according to this article.
I was curious and latest statistics show 43% of users between 16 and 24 use ad blockers. We’re already at bra level of mainstreamyness.
Yes. Yes it is. Welcome to 2023.
Yup. Wouldn’t be too surprised if people will think of ways to make them more identifiable in the near future. Something like bright yellow stars. For security of course, nothing devious…
We got pretty angry at that retirement age shit, which has arguably more reach. Still got written into law…
This is dangerously wrong. This is a classic foot-in-the-door law. They test the waters with something nobody can argue against, like piracy, child porn, terrorism. Then the censoring gets broader and broader until you can’t access left-wing stuff anymore because it’s anti-governmental. There is a very specific, very dangerous purpose in mind.
With the market share Firefox has it would be a drop in the ocean
When Le Pen gets elected in 4 years we’ll talk about the good old times with Macron.
It’s not about making it impossible to reach certain sites. It’s about making it harder for normies. Take a guess if your neighbor knows about wget.
In other news, water is wet.
Germany’s neo-nazi party AfD is polling scarily well too. All of EU is turning into an authoritan hellscape. My wife and I are seriously considering leaving.
I recalled that too. It was like 15 years ago think. The whole thing was a disaster. Adoption was as much an issue as compatibility. Linux and LibreOffice has come along a long way since then. But so did MS. Not even google manages to compete with the level of integration and interoperability MS has. Also, being a state organized enterprise, you just know the transition phase is gonna be chaos incarnate. I just hope the top management is ready for the fight. I truly believe it’s worth it.