The last two are the same, just the first is actually red.
The last two are the same, just the first is actually red.
Molly Conger a.k.a. Socialistdogmom once did a deep dive on a report their city police made to show “deaths in the line of duty” and at least one was someone who died on vacation of a long term medical issue. Another ridiculously common one was classifying cops who died in car accidents they caused while not even pursuing anyone as in the line of duty.
Part of the thread:
Extra EDIT: Dove some more and found some other ones
Big talk from bitches with sap running through them
Call me when it can map out my house to send to a corporation to spy on, or get hacked to scream slurs at me. Without those features idk if its worth
Hiking before sunup is dangerous, so be sure to only do it when the dangers from late hiking grow to be larger or if there is a significant prize to be gained from finishing early (pizza)
They’re gonna have to make NeoNeo Las Vegas now
uWu Amandacore
No, I think they mean that people interacting with a skip ad button is one of the only ways to tell if someone is actually watching what is being streamed. I think even that is flawed, but also the incentive to have a script click through ads if you’re not actually watching is pretty low.
Something about Gaza and the election I think people need to consider is that eventually the government documents and intelligence on this is going to become public. With how much of what the IDF has said has already been shown to be outright fabrications, I can’t escape the conclusion that the U.S. Government communications on this are going to be incredibly damning. Every time a US official uncritically accepts IDF propoganda we are adding explosives to the ticking bomb that is the public exposure.
Not pressuring Biden on Gaza is gambling that this all remains sealed until after the election, or that there isn’t anything in there that will destroy his chances in November. Supporting the genocide is both unconscionable AND an extreme electoral risk.
Repeatedly murdering the same small group of heroic individuals on ritual meat hooks at the direction of an eldritch being
The context is that just recently Taylor Swift sent a cease and desist to the twitter account tracking her and other celebrity private jet usage because she is embarassingly bad about using it for tiny flights.
The other side of it is the story about the cop in Florida who unloaded his pistol into his police cruiser while someone was inside because he mistook an acorn hitting the roof of the car for a muffled gunshot. He fired his whole clip into the car and yelled ‘I’m hit’ which also got his partner to shoot their clip into the cruiser.
I think people believe it is a sign you are striving to excel or that you care about the work you are doing.
In my case I think I talk about how much overtime I work because I got insecurities about my productivity drilled into me as a child with undiagnosed ADHD. Constantly being told you don’t work hard enough regardless of the effort you put in will give you some weird hangups. I think subconsciously its about needing external validation that the time you put in was adequate, or insecurity around ‘work ethic’
The problem is you need a executive body that already agrees with you to select you from their choices of consultant. We’re not rational creatures and are our personal biases make it so we’re more likely to hire the consultant that reflects our preconceived ideas
beaucoup bucks
I’ve never seen this phrase in print before and the spelling is fucking me up a bit ngl
God I love opportunities to WoT post
“The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again”
The Aelfinn and Eelfinn are big data memory hoarders and this works way too well
Ishamael out here trying to slay the great serpent, topple the wheel of time, and break the cycle of rebirth for the homies on the right
The reason this doesn’t work is that Nazis without opposition are a danger to any community. When not surrounded by many times their number of counterprotestors they are likely to find a member of a targeted minority to hate crime. The protestors are there not just to show that the 15 Nazis are not welcome but also to protect anyone who might otherwise find themselves alone facing 15 violent Nazis.
What about Willy Juice? Or maybe Free Juice
Paid for by the Ishamael gang