duckworth annoys me more as she is to ok with security over rights. to much military indoctrination with that one.
duckworth annoys me more as she is to ok with security over rights. to much military indoctrination with that one.
you can be rest assured or the body of water between texas and florida is not called gulf of ameritrump.
sorry. I meant it was named pen15
I had a guild named that but I can’t remember which mmo. Flew under the radar apparently.
hopefully back to normalcy when folks hung out at a bar that jived with them.
So these things always get me confused because I swear there was a neat electron thing in the single digit two thousands that was a small project and really cool and I keep on expecting this to be the grown up version but when I look it up they seem to have nothing to do with each other. I can’t even find the thing I remember from early in the millenium.
it was mostly a joke comment, honestly.
even the bots are leaving.
I had not realized. The video was so bad ass, it looked like one and done.
Ok. Ok. People are having fun with this but we have to realize that what he did was not ok. He shot that ceo in new york right through the head such that he died quickly and painlessly. This is not ok.
remember remember the 4th of december when a message he did send. I know of no reason why adjuster’s hutning season should end.
pretty sure this applies to Xers to.
deleted by creator
very apt quote.
I don’t pay for anything streaming wise but also saw the first season or two.
Yeah I hate cyborg in the justice league but with doom patrol it does not bother me as much.
I hate the way they keep on pushing cyborg into the justice league and gave him flight. I blame the popularity of iron man.
social construct and social contract.
yeah its sorta redic of him. Its like saying they should not cast backup dancers because it oppressive to the lithe. They are decent jobs and not everyone can be a starring role.
It means piled higher and deeper will become the official definition.