If only there existed, like, a club for workers where everyone pays a membership fee to cover each other’s legal costs and protect each other’s rights. We could call it a “togetherness” or something like that
If only there existed, like, a club for workers where everyone pays a membership fee to cover each other’s legal costs and protect each other’s rights. We could call it a “togetherness” or something like that
In most civilized countries, voting takes place on weekends and your employer is legally obligated to let you leave work to go vote
My mind immediately goes to the Ferengi whenever someone says “females” about women.
These are all the questions my girlfriend asks me all the time and I give her the deer-in-the-headlights look.
I really need her in my life lol
Sure, I guess we don’t need writers, painters, visual artists, musicians and filmmakers. I mean, what do they do really, enrich our culture and move our souls? Pff, AI can do that easily.
That’s perfectly fine, I use soap because I eat meat and my gf is vegetarian so I don’t want to leave any grease. Also I find soap just makes it a bit easier to clean.
Dude, you’re not supposed to scrape off the seasoning every time you wash the pan. I reapply a bit of oil maybe once or twice a year. I normally just wash it some soap and water after cooking.
If you leave it on too long it starts to melt the frying pan lol
I used to have an old electric stove that you had to turn on before you even started to chop vegetables, but then you could turn it off and it would stay at the melting point of tungsten for an hour.
I watched this sketch comedy show in Iceland as a kid, where every week they had a section called “the men behind the curtains”. It was just people hidden away inside ATMs, vending machines etc. pretending it was a machine doing the work.
Those “elf houses” is actually a more recent thing we do for tourists. But according to folk belief, the elves live inside certain rocks and cliffs. Some road constructions have been derailed because an elf rock was in the way and the people were having none of that.
I slept in my car on public rest stops while on a road trip in Norway.
IIRC you can sleep in your car there for two nights, which I never ended up doing anyway because I was travelling.
Public rest stops are amazing, there’s usually pretty clean toilets, benches for picnics and sometimes even showers or a lake to bathe in.
Icelandic folklore doesn’t have fairies, we have elves.
Also there’s some very disturbing Icelandic cryptids, like Jólakötturinn, a giant cat that eats children on Christmas, and Nykur, a backward-hoofed horse that hypnotizes you to ride it and then it walks you into the sea.
And who is more likely to value historical artefacts than the culture they originated from? Truth is, the British have frequently lost or damaged priceless artefacts, and thousands of them are locked away in vaults where no one can enjoy them. How is that better than simply giving them back?
‘Audiophiles’: “Yeah I paid $20000 for this new DAC, I think the treble is a lot crispier”
Actual audio engineers: “I record everything with this $40 Behringer interface and mix with free plugins though my 30 year old Yamahas”
Ben Shapiro has entered the chat
“Well achtually, women’s vaginas are meant to be bone dry. Every women I’ve slept with has been dryer than the Sahara desert.”
The UI of Youtube is actually not bad. What is bad is how the search function has gone to shit, constant promotion of youtube Shorts taking up half the screen, and the algorithm getting steadily worse at recommending videos.
The interface itself is pretty easy to navigate.
I always read it as an Ð, which is am Icelandic letter. It kinda sounds like the “th” in “the”, so I read it as “Thisney”
Yeah people will use bikes or public transit if it’s a better option for them than driving. But decades of carmaker lobbying, terrible zoning laws and bad urban design makes driving the only available option for most Americans.
Cities who invest in good public transit and sensible urban design always see a huge decrease in car traffic.
The Mexican version is what’s most commonly drunk in the US, which just tastes like sweetened milk with cinnamon to me.
But Spanish horchata (the original) is way better. It’s basically a nut milk made with tiger nuts and it tastes awesome. I’ve tried so hard to find tiger nuts but they’re impossible to get where I live :(