15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)
This is just bullshit. There’s no way they’ll keep milk from different cows separate just to be able to label the bottles
Il do it for disability by three and a three digit numbers with the digits a, b and c. The value of that number then is 100a + 10b + c. They concept is the same for nine.
100a + 10b + a mod 3 =
a + b + a
This means that, mod 3, a three digit number is equivalent to the sum of it’s digits and therefore preserves disability by 3.
And with it, it’s a hat-astrophe?
One must at least imagine Sisyphus happy, even under such circumstances
I think it’s the limit for what most people can see as jittery motion. You may be able to differentiate between higher FPS settings, but above 24 hertz most people shouldn’t be able to see discrete steps.
That’s at least how I’ve come to understand it
Or gets stuck in a loop
Okay, thanks I don’t want anyone plugging my ventilation holes
And netflix are gonna make a series about ya
Lego figures would love this
It took me longer then i want to admit to realise why this is a bad idea
The exact probability is something more like 2*10^-921. Given that it would take around 9 gogol (9*10^926) years of constantly popping popcorns until that happens. Should we try?
a few states here control most of the power here due to the electoral college
Yes I’m indeed aware of that. It’s a way of electiong representatives and it has a lot of implications (most notably the two party system), good and bad. Doesn’t really change things though it’s just a different (and weird) way to do democracy
And everything down to state and local initiatives gets lobbied into the ground by special interests.
Yeah, I have nothing to say about that. It really seems like a big pain but I’m having a really hard time imagining what it’s like since we don’t have that much lobbying here in Sweden, it feels really absurd for me.
That’s just the feeling I got from your post; making memes online and finding yourself powerless without doing anything. But ofc I can’t back that up…
Sorry for that (:
No, but the Gazan people doesn’t have any power over it’s government. Meanwhile you guys in the US live in one of the worlds most democratic countries (29 most democratic*) and therefore have alot of power over your government. Sure trans teens don’t have voting rights but on the grand scheme of things their a small minority of the US population and a majority of everyone in the US has indeed voted in support for their leaders.
Democracy only works if the people are invested in it and care about their rights. If they don’t care the democracy will crumble. Democracy ain’t something you gain and then have forever, you have to look after it and take care of it. Saying that you don’t have any power and refusing to take action is not magicaly going to give you the power you find yourself lacking.
“Cry harder” feels a bit rude though. Maybe you could instead have a nice day and try to change politics for the better.
* from the Economists democracy index 2023. Palestine was in place 115
All of the ones here are kinda extreme. Most words are alot shorter