Is this a poor attempt at humour?
God isn’t dead he never existed. Anything put on him is your wishful thinking.
Is this a poor attempt at humour?
Well this earth has a lot of dicks.
Had an instructor once who said he would let us out early on a Friday. 5 mins before the end of the day. He made it seem like it was a huge favour until one of us pointed out that we could never trust him outside of his expertise.
Now that’s the gut just relaying pertinent information.
Try being human.
Trees. We were at one time an arboreal species.
It’s also rare that we lived in caves.
This is a shit meme because it relies on the social concept of virginity, which has no real basis in biology.
The trucker probably didn’t get to choose their load.
Eggspensive was right there!
Do you have money to throw away?
Cad not in the English parts of the country. Not Aud
The only country in North America that doesn’t have a form of socialized health care is the US.
No current reports. Though look for birds going backwards.
Well bird flu is making the rounds
No. Now we know you are someone who is ignorant or malicious. Personally, I think you’re malicious in your intent.