It’s remarkable the similarities between William Randolph Hearst and Elon. Hollywood can finally make its citizen Kane remake/ sequel.
It’s remarkable the similarities between William Randolph Hearst and Elon. Hollywood can finally make its citizen Kane remake/ sequel.
Lemmy’s been wonderful. Like reddit of yore. Like how reddit should be. Like it should still be. Reminder, tell others. The more the merrier. I’ve told tons of people while just being in line at restaurants/ coffee shops when people peer over my shoulder while browsing on mobile. Reddit took mobile away from us (even though I found a way with a patched reddit app but the reddit app is just damn fucking bad. That reddit app is a miserable experience with or ads no ads).
Not really. They fucked up their business contracts/ reputations and there’s still a massive push to leave them in dust/ past. There’s no undoing how massively they fucked up.
I don’t know. Twitter running rampant as a nazi platform and safe harbor under Elon’s tenure/stewardship has been something else. That platform was always a mess/ bad but not to the degree Elon has cranked it up to. It’s full blown mania/ hysteria on that platform.
Edit: I miss the days of Twitter when I could’ve used it as my own personal news ticker/ use it to follow sports and my favorite sports reporters. It’s shocking but there are actual uses and use cases for Twitter. It used to not be social media trash.
Twitter(/X - such a bullshit crappy name) is the Kmart of web 2.0 companies. Just a husk of what it was and in a massive free fall decline.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many wish to devalue the companies at the same time. Let’s not forget about robinhood also. I can’t wait until reddit IPOs to short the shit out of it. You have to know their valuation is a farce and bullshit. The numbers are totally cooked there.
Edit: stupid autocorrect
Not really. I just patched my app, and the app of others, so it doesn’t display anything nor track anything. Reddit caused themselves way more unnecessary harm and damage/ self inflicted wounds than they should have. That’s all if i/we actually still need to go to reddit for anything. I’ve been purposely avoiding them and their search results and doing fine. The traffic I/we would’ve given them is significantly less.
Sounds like a new industry about to pop up: the secure your vehicle and privacy industry. Just like there’s after market parts and repair, we’ll be needing to go to an expert to rip out all the bs from cars.
I’m still laughing at reddit and the ads thing. They pushed me more into blocking all their ads and tracking even harder, and to patch their official app when I had no choice but to go to reddit. Everything they’ve done has backfired as far as I’m concerned.
Casino industry. I.e. mgm, penn, Caesars, station casinos, etc.
Lol. No. Y’all just got taken for fools.
I drove through Alabama once. That was enough. What a shit stain state? Experience the racism there, even if sort of second hand, was surreal. Sucks I know some people that were forced to move there.
Have driven one and been driven in one. Shit experience. Felt like a dumbed down car that was uncomfortable. It has a nice display in the middle, but that’s it. The upholstery felt like it was done by some cheap shop that didn’t give a crap. It definitely didn’t feel like “luxury” or even your preconceived notion of what is comfortable.
It’s almost as though the governments should do their jobs and fucking put cost controls. Seriously, we need some new economic thought/ practice. Just like how several generation’s ago they figured out that wages are sticky, they need to put cost caps or restrictions to stop this shit. Instead of cutting the money supply and people’s lifelines, they need to fucking tell businesses to cut the crap and stop the bullshit. Since then pandemic every industry feels like they can price gouge and get away with it. It’s fucking ridiculous. If you put a stop to that, then you have some hope of resigning in inflation.
I need a RiF Lemmy badly.
Reddit is a website rotting from the inside out. Can’t wait to see how much of a disaster that IPO is going to be.