When will the giant women come eat the men?
Just a guy doing stuff.
When will the giant women come eat the men?
This whole comment and my sides into orbit; Thank you for the 1am ugly-laugh cackling and guffawing
Think the implication was also trans women
Interesting, thanks for the info and resource! I don’t actually see another response so I’m assuming they’re not federated with programming.dev, but I’ll check from another instance later
Ok that’s interesting to hear as someone trying to lose a bit of weight. Can you elaborate or point to some sources that do? My doctor told me to minimize carbs so I’m very curious
Yeah the native portrait screens they use cause all kinds of weirdness on Windows for games, but I’ve solved that by running Bazzite. I only use mine for gaming most of the time, my Win Mini’s 7840U is a fantastic chip both for hooking up to a lapdock for software dev and for handheld gaming.
I’ve only flown a few times but it’s been a great way to pass the time
I adore my GPD Win Mini, they’re the only ones putting out good pocketable clamshell devices and I adore them for it
A handheld PC manufacturer
Flip it twice and it starts an automation!
No but I don’t even need my money back, man. You can just dispose of it for me tbh
I’d like to return one mental image, please
I almost instinctively downvoted you
Well, the address one was an example. Smart paste is useful for more than just addresses - Think non-standard data formats where a customer provided janky data and it needs wrangling. Happens often enough and with unique enough data that an LLM is going to be better than a bespoke algo.
The email one though? We absolutely have dedicated forms, but that doesn’t stop end users from sending emails to our customer anyway - The email ingestion via LLM is so our customer can just have their front desk folks forward the email in and have it make a best guess to save some time. When the customer is a huge shop that handles thousands of incoming jobs per day, the small value adds here and there add up to quite the savings for them (and thus, value we offer).
Given we run the LLMs on low power machines in-house … Yeah they’re worth it.
One of my favorite examples is “smart paste”. Got separate address information fields? (City, state, zip etc) Have the user copy the full address, clock “Smart paste”, feed the clipboard to an LLM with a prompt to transform it into the data your form needs. Absolutely game-changing imho.
Or data ingestion from email - many of my customers get emails from their customers that have instructions in them that someone at the company has to convert into form fields in the app. Instead, we provide an email address (some-company-inbound@ myapp.domain) and we feed the incoming emails into an LLM, ask it to extract any details it can (number of copies, post process, page numbers, etc) and have that auto fill into fields for the customer to review before approving the incoming details.
So many incredibly powerful use-cases and folks are doing wasteful and pointless things with them.
So far I’ve only got socks, skirts, and hair accessories (hair down to my waist). Definitely been wanting to explore other clothing now that I know myself better.
It sounds like you’re having a blast, and it’s always fun to hear about how other folks have experimented. Vinted looks neat, If you’ve got any other tips let me know lol
Doing those kinds of things at home because they were fun actually led to me realizing I’m genderfluid recently. It’s been crazy facing a part of my experience of life that the patriarchal society we live in essentially deprived me of up to this point: knowing how euphoric it feels to let myself want to be pretty and feminine sometimes.
That was only ever a temporary fix anyway; Once the support substrate cracked, it was inevitable
Could also have air bags for hauling
Same here. I like wearing skirts and being pretty but I’m a cis guy. Due to my exploration of gender expression my friends are occasionally like “Are you sure you’re cis?” And I’m just like “Yep, still a man unfortunately. I’d straight up be something else if I could but nope. Still a dude.”
This meme hits entirely differently for transfems.