The lamp is rendered by small electric lights, be it LEDs or LCD. CRTs are in a bit of an grey area. But you can absolutely use a monitor as a light source by itself .
The lamp is rendered by small electric lights, be it LEDs or LCD. CRTs are in a bit of an grey area. But you can absolutely use a monitor as a light source by itself .
But it’s fine if a hero do all those things?
I’m assuming he just ate the thread, and his tongue wasn’t ran over by the sewing machine 😬
In addition to what others said, in comments the down vote is meant to be used on comments that don’t further discussion in good faith.
I used to subscribe to that idea, but I’ve since changed my mind. If the far majority use upvotes to mean agreement, then me upvoting a controversial, but well structured, opinion will likely be viewed as agreement as well.
It’s a nice idea to think the voting system is meant to promote discussion, instead of homogenise opinions in a community.
No you see some infinites are bigger than other. So light year is basically a larger infinity than millions. There’s a YouTube video about, look it up 👍
/s (you never know these days)
I don’t know what anti perspirants you’ve been using, but Rituals ones don’t stain or leave residue on any of my clothes.
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant :D
Please correct my layman understanding if I’m wring here. But isn’t everything traveling in a straight line until an external force is applied. For example the earth orbiting the sun is traveling in a straight line in a curved apacetime. Also if you jump, the moment you leave the ground until you touch it again coming back down you were traveling in a straight line.
Normally “female” is more used in clinical settings or about not-human animals. One reason it gives off incel energy is it reduces a person to what genitals they have.
China’s economy is reheated leftovers confirmed.