Helps if you spell February correctly.
Helps if you spell February correctly.
I dunno. It seems to be exclusive to xitter-derivatives and inspirees.
How in the fuck do you read this in order?
This is like the worst mixture of top- and bottom-posting I’ve ever seen.
Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
>> Top-posting.
>>> What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
Get some gall then!
Yesterday was the best day to switch but today is fine too!
No. Some people just can’t handle subtlety.
Glad to help!
I found it useful as a little kind of mnemonic to call out the distinctive features of each language.
The one major thing it misses is that Japanese uses some of the Chinese characters, so you have to check for the “stabby/loopy” characters mixed in to tell; and sometimes there aren’t any if the text is short.
Ich bin ein Berliner. Yep, JFK.
No worries. After you asked I thought… “wait, thats a xitter screenshot, I could have sworn it was Reddit…”
I had to re-read a few times before I noticed what I’d been talking about.
The one in the screenshot. It says ”via Reddit”.
I’m guessing it’s on r/todayilearned
Not the Reddit link and not OP but
It’s that shift in perspective and experience that defines a generation and there are generation-bounding events like 9/11. But the period of time is not precise, and generally much longer than 14 years.
I’ve heard 20. Wikipedia says 20-30.
14 seems short.
It’s all kind of silly since human reproduction is continuous.
I dunno, it’s also kinda dunny to see fact checker bot dumping article links confirming that crapper and cumming were involved with the creation of the toilet ballcock.
can anyone comment how often that is used by people in the region?
Frequently, though it’s mostly informal shorthand for “the greater Chicago metropolitan area”, you probably wouldn’t say “I live in Chicagoland” unless you were intentionally being vague.
Only if you put north on the top on your map.
It’s 14 lb. Definitely a contender for the dumbest unit in common use.
actually finding people not on the same instance as me was a challenge
Isn’t it the same on bluesky? As I understand it, there’s effectively only the one instance, and the federation is theoretical.
That’d be trademark, not copyright.