I fully agree with you, I’m just starting my personal belief and the course of action I would likely take if the person was being exceptionally dim.
I fully agree with you, I’m just starting my personal belief and the course of action I would likely take if the person was being exceptionally dim.
I am of the belief that a woman would respond similarly to a couple punches to the teeth. ,Fuck around and find out. I’m not enforcing gender roles out here.
Do you think the Chinese gov planned this and has been preparing for this? Like they couldn’t just curate an entire social media sites worth of content just on the off chance that millions of Americans go there out of spite. Spite is rather unpredictable.
Those bastards.
I think the thing about Americans is that we won’t go halfway with anything. I think that once things flip and people start revolting, the violence that we will see will be SHOCKING. It is just going to take a lot to get to that point. A significant degradation of the daily quality of life. So far we still have bread and circuses, even if they are expensive.
Then keep going another 5-6 feet. Then fill with your preferred waste.
Why does it need defending? I’m not saying they are deserving of the same fate as Brian, but I don’t feel bad for them for no longer having such a vile man around. If they are good people as you say, they would rejoice as well.
I don’t. They benefited from it, same as him. Were happy to do so. They are nearly as demented as him.
Yes. That’s why we’re here. Thank you.
This bubble seems pretty large and all inclusive from where I’m sitting. You and those defending this vile system are on the outs.
I mean, we should be upset about that, just upset at the ridiculousness of the insurance to not pay the victims because of the specific views of the criminal.
Who cares if anyone notices the good being done? Do it anyways. How does this prevent that?
Except this time we won’t just be paying for the cable, we’ll be paying to get the ads you want, too. You’ll be paying for the DVR function or whatever they want.
As with everything else it will continue to degrade and enrage it’s customers, and erode the entire country’s very will to live. I am truly curious just how detrimental it is for everyone in this country to be exposed to the THOUSANDS of small fully intentional annoyances daily that are built into every product and service. It has to be a leading cause of how angry and divided we are and is absolutely causing many early deaths. Everyone is so stressed out by every single thing they interact with.
The only other good reason to fight to keep them, is to prevent their government from going fully insane and doing horrible things. But that’s the sort of thing that would need intervention if and when it happens.
That is most ridiculous way to describe society dissolving into each street fighting those next to it.
It’s perfect.
You got any more of them memes?
Shakes with withdrawal
Hey man, come on. Don’t hold out!