Who is this old man? I’ve seen two different memes of him from different parts of the show literally stacked next to each other.
Who is this old man? I’ve seen two different memes of him from different parts of the show literally stacked next to each other.
It’s not him. Different jacket.
To be fair, anime is kinda sus, Bonerman… as the kids say these days.
You mean UrDic?
The incorrect spelling in the title of Pet Sematary was inspired by a sign at a real cemetery near King’s old house. In real life, King lived in a house with a pet cemetery in the back. The cemetery was marked with a sign that read, “Pet Sematary,” which was simply misspelled by some local children. The misspelling is given a similar explanation in the book: some local kids found the cemetery, adopted it as their own and cared for it, and made that sign by sounding out “cemetery” phonetically, clearly not knowing how to spell the actual word.
You can too. You don’t have to pretend to believe in violent revolution.
Hey, when you’ve got the numbers for a revolution, I’ll join you. Until then, I am going to sit here and keep not killing anyone.
Gradual cultural change will bring lasting changes.
Which is why the “gradual cultural changes until we have the numbers to overcome the capitalists” approach is the answer. It’s not “extreme” or “cool” or “tough” or “glorious” but it is going to be the only effective long term method of achieving lasting socialism.
We saw how merely electing a black man set off the reactionaries and got Nazis marching in the streets again. Imagine the reaction to an actual attempt at violent revolution when we don’t have the numbers to support us?
And how do we get the numbers, eh? By calling liberals “shitlibs” and banning them from discussion? By eliminating the possibility of bringing them further to the left?
We need numbers and overall cultural changes. Which is FINALLY happening thanks to social media.
They’re gonna screenshot this and circle-jerk all over it. I guarantee it. Because that’s all they do. They’re not interested in actually implementing incremental steps toward socialism, and also not interested in growing the left so that a revolution is possible. So they’re just miserable little fucks who shit on everyone who’s not a bloodthirsty tyrant.
I’m a leftist and I am against violence. Does that make me a “shitlib”? Because I think that kind of rhetoric does great harm to our cause.
To be fair though, for my ancient 2012 MacBook Pro, Linux Mint has made it actually useable and useful around the house.
Or you have failed as a patriot.
I graduated high school in 1999 and I definitely had to do this in elementary school.
My efforts were to impress Arnold Schwarzenegger and George H.W. Bush.
“Arky” is an appropriately non-binary name.
Thanks RimJobSteve