I’m going to go on my grad account just to downvote this trash
I’m going to go on my grad account just to downvote this trash
Even with the current model of state directed capitalism, the amount of investment into social services and poverty reduction already shame the west. China isn’t yet in a position to press the communism button, but once the threat of America and it’s puppets decline there may well be a pivot.
If China can manage to turn its industries and markets to an internal production/consumption model and reduce its reliance on being an export economy, it would be much better off even without the massive growth. Growth will have to stop at some point, and the focus will be on stability, since China hasn’t made any indications it’ll try to fuel growth through imperialism like western economies have. Japan style stagnation would be not so terrible if your society is socialist.
I’m not checking for new food, I’m just wondering if my standards have dropped enough since last time I checked to eat the half a carrot and raw onion that’s been sitting there.
Make tankie mean pro-Soviet intervention against reactionary Hungarian colour revolution again.
I had it saved so I don’t remember where, but Googles reverse image search yields more matches than tineye
Stalin shouldn’t have stopped at Berlin
They have a problem with stopping a fascist counter-revolution that did anti-jewish pogroms and elevated the landlord class in Hungary?