fair enough, I had not tested any other distros, my bad.
fair enough, I had not tested any other distros, my bad.
You can search duckduckgo for Nvidia mok secure boot mint and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
“works for me”
That’s not a protip. A protip would be how you do that :D
RTX3060, I suspect this is the case for newer laptops, yes.
Me installing Linux Mint on a 2022 laptop with a Nvidia GPU (had windows 11 preinstalled, this was an alongside install). I disabled secure boot at first, but still had to go all the way back and set up my MOK keys and turn on secure boot properly with another password to unlock the GPU.
You can’t disable secure boot if you want to use your Nvidia GPU :( though. [edit2: turns out this is a linux mint thing, not the case in Debian or Fedora]
Edit: fine, there may be workarounds and for other distros everything is awesome, but in mint and possibly Ubuntu and Debian for a laptop 2022 RTX3060 you need to set up your MOK keys in secure mode to be able to install the Nvidia drivers, outside secure mode the GPU is simply locked. I wasn’t even complaining, there is a way to get it working, so that’s fine by me. No need to tell me that I was imagining things.
All hail Emacs :) 🙌
You’re right in principle, but in practice this is more a more sensitive matter when you share a border with a country like russia.
What they could do is bar any russian from entering unless they can prove on a case-by-case basis at the border that they are escaping persecution in russia for being against the invasion and need to cross it. I think that would be legal and ethical.
Welp, I guess I only have 3 videos left on youtube then, it was a good run. Then it’s off to invidious and when that goes, probably peertube will have enough content :)
Ok, when I said worse, it was from this point of view: in some subchans, I’ve seen some smart conversations and advice there among the 95% neverending jungle of slurs (they probably see that as a feature, not a bug). In yt: never, the medium simply doesn’t work to make people talk.
I only disagree with one thing on that: youtube is not a social media platform. It is horrible for discussions, topic discovery and organization, the comment sections and chat are worse than 4chan. It is a video diffusion platform, but not truly social media.
Anybody know where they’re going? I’ve seen some in mastodon, some in substack, some just on linkedin…but other than rss there is no easy way to follow a larger crowd of posters from different sources.
Negative interest rates do funny things to capitalism.
Yep, first is always best, like my CRT TV.
Really useful, thanks!
but…why? Is it because interfacing between digital and analog representations of data, because of legacy systems, why are printers so annoying compared to screens and networks?
We’re not free from it. If the fediverse took off and ISPs somehow ganged up on the activitypub protocol to force it to make money, some larger instances are going to crack, that’s what I mean.
I think it is a combination between interest rate hikes from the free money paradigm that propped up startups and the gig economy and the AI hype train driving the capture of public data (think enclosures 3.0) at the expense of strong communities. This somehow reminds me of when post-dot-com bubble companies like google had to become “profitable” so “don’t be evil” went down the drain and they found ways to monetize their users’ data.
As much as I think that the Reddit and twitter soap operas are nothing but a time sink over what is a relatively simple cautionary tale, I can’t look away from this train wreck. “Y, elon?” is the new “fuck u/spez”.