See, now I’m curious about the best mayo 4 years ago. Are you sure you’re not just astroturfing for Big Mayo?
See, now I’m curious about the best mayo 4 years ago. Are you sure you’re not just astroturfing for Big Mayo?
Or think of it as “convenience fee” for the people who can’t use F-Droid.
If my friend, who thinks I’m IT support since I majored computer science, asks me which tracker they should use - I would just tell them to pay the $4 for OpenTracks.
Reddit has made it clear they don’t care at all. The amount of lying and gaslighting is sickening.
Given the size and reputation of DJI, you shouldn’t have any concerns.
I’m sorry, but i disagree with this mentality. The size of a company means nothing. We’ve had so many security breaches from companies large and small. Be it from malice or incompetence.
And speaking of reputation, this, this, and this doesn’t really scream “good reputation” to me.
It already is full of bots upvoting/replying to posts by karma bots. They just need to start having bots moderate the subs, and turn the whole place into r/subredditsimulator (still the best thing that ever came out of Reddit, imo).
Oh yeah sorry about that. This is why a thriving 3rd-party ecosystem is beneficial. I’m so used to having Sync annotate all links with their source site (and thumbnails to prevent rickrolls)
As a paying Sync user, I couldn’t agree more. Good news is LJ said in one of his comments, “Won’t open source Sync. Maybe implement Lemmy”. Unfortunately I couldn’t link it since the sub’s gone dark.
Also, this. But like you, I feel dirty staying with Reddit. And it feels like we’re desecrating the legacy of Sync…
You may have to search a little for 3rd-party prebuilts, if you’re not comfortable doing the patching yourself.
You know what’s funny, the two clients that don’t support your dropdown/spoiler for anti-commercial licences were commercial closed-source Lemmy clients.
I say sod them and go back to your dropdown.