Which he actually didn’t after the towers fell.
Which he actually didn’t after the towers fell.
That’s exactly what I said.
I’d agree that unnecessary contracts are subsidies but then that just pushes your point down the road a little bit. I’d say that maintaining the ISS isn’t unnecessary, for instance.
Even worse, it was made “unprofitable” by being required to have a ridiculously high standard of pension coverage, which I believe just ended or ends soon.
Welcome to the internet, you must be new. Keep scrolling through new here and you should see some pretty common jokes about the falliability of AI of various flavors. Criticism of the weighting on training models can be found with just slightly more effort.
You can be XY and present as female. There’s a handy little chart in this article to give you an overview of some of the more common things that happen between being an XX woman and being an XY man.
There is a former billionaire in Florida who gave scholarships for everyone in a certain area who graduated. I can’t remember his name off the top of my head because he isn’t an attention-seeking asshole and I don’t see it every week.
If I had less morals or more energy, I’d give you a hundred upvotes.
This could be the opening shot on CEO season.
You’re asking for a lot of deep thought from young people who are lashing out in pain or anger and frustration.
That’s why I find it funny. It would be like halving the resolution in a closeup of a massive, erect cock. No one would be confused about what they were looking at and their attention would be focused on it due to the resolution change.
I didn’t say this was an effective way to solve the problem, nor do I think the other poster’s assertion is accurate.
Another factor to consider is dehumanizing people is often the first step in justifying atrocities against them, such as the murder of this doubtless terrible CEO, and that has an impact on both the person doing the dehumanizing and the person or persons being dehumanized.
The usual impetus for slaying the dragon is to stop it from eating people.
The other argument I’ve heard is so that people will see how much the government is taking from them, and be angry about it. This would be particularly useful for politicians who campaign on smaller government.
The horrors persist, but so do I.
British Citizen in 1910: India is a conflict that was resolved 100 years ago.
I didn’t realize things had progressed to this point. I thought there were still some mainstream distros that would qualify as Free, but the only ones GNU endorses are ones I’ve never heard of. There do still seem to be some non-GNU projects with a freedom-first philosophy.
Correct. His had the most floors, but there was another that was still taller.