It honestly feels like ableism how often often terms for phobias intentionally trigger them, or speech impediments include the letters/particles which cause the problem.
It honestly feels like ableism how often often terms for phobias intentionally trigger them, or speech impediments include the letters/particles which cause the problem.
this map is complete nonsense because some of these groups only exist as a result of interactions with europeans, and even some of the other ones are from completely different places before europeans came in.
not entirely, as leather is still a wildly useful fabric and material for many uses which synthetic leather can serve(to a greater or lesser extent, granted), but only in specific cases can meat not be replaced/not replaced effectively
so much better than america, where it just wouldn’t be made in the first place
I don’t see that as sad. Also, even if we lived four hundred years we’d still need to write things down because we’d eventually die.
Conservatives are liberals based upon the meaning of words. Do you know what liberalism is? It’s not gay rights and lattes.
such an odd thing to do.
so how is random redditors talking sports better than sports radio?
tha’ts what radio is for!
I don’t know why you would go on the “people talking about events” platform and being surprised people are talking about events that aren’t happy. That’s just poor planning. I mean yeah, be there for your friends, but you should be able to have light or pleasant conversation pretty often, and steer away from troubling topics when you aren’t up for it, far easier than online.
The bare minimum you can do is listen when someone is in pain and stand witness when they are under attack. I want to see when people are suffering, so I can figure out how to help, or at very least show solidarity. Obviously I can’t take this in at all hours of every day, but that’s time I spend alone or with an IRL friend, not on an online messaging board.
so you admit that you get mostly leftist death threats because you avoid groups that would send more?
I’m less than human to you enough to be given a silly nickname
did you think this one through at all? like, give it even a seconds thought?
I’m guessing it dropped the F and rearranged the rest into the R slur. I can’t think of any other word with most of those letters, and it is a word otuside of the slur context, a verb meaning “to slow down”
“I just don’t want to see your suffering”
“make boys feel better about themselves”
I don’t want something like that, I think inherently the goals of leftist liberation make people feel less pressure to correctly present a gender role, so the utility of a guru like JBP vanishes. You don’t need to learn to play your role, because you decide what it means to be you. So we don’t need to teach boys how to act, we’re by our actions creating an environment where that won’t be a problem. The interrim between current world and that world won’t be flawless, but that’s something best addressed by non-explicitly leftist groups. It’s not something “the party” or whatever needs to work on
I don’t see your point. Yeah, that’s not great, but it’s not a political project and there’s not a way to provide specifically masculinity from a leftist perspective. I see a big part of leftist change in society to liberate people from the alienating idea that they’re supposed to grow up into anything in particular.
Although yes, it should be done as a group, and it would be better done with a group of leftists because they’re more likely to have a positive view of women, minority, work, mental health and so on, it’s just not something that needs to be done as a political project. Like, religious leftists should pray together, or leftists with children should share child care tips, but that doesn’t make it a leftist goal, y’know?
it’s really annoying because personal growth is not even remotely relevant to politics. The left can’t “make you a man” because that’s something you do on your own. It implies a specific set of ideas about maturity, relationships, and various other things which are your own problem. The right wants to fit you into the hierarchy, so they’ll make you a certain thing to fit. We don’t, so it’s your job to figure out if you want to be a man or a woman or something else, and what it means to reach that. We don’t give leftist dating advice because it doesn’t make sense, we’re not writing a script for you to follow. Just respect potential partners and maybe one will become a partner you respect. Whether you start a family or find someone isn’t our political project because we don’t want to make you pump out kids for the factories that obey authority.
I had to eat in that shitty country for a bit this summer, I will show them the kindness they showed me.