Ha, good point. I’m showing my age here. I understand our modern phone screens have resolution approaching that of good print, but when I think of a screen my brain still defaults to something like a 14" VGA at 57PPI :-)
Ha, good point. I’m showing my age here. I understand our modern phone screens have resolution approaching that of good print, but when I think of a screen my brain still defaults to something like a 14" VGA at 57PPI :-)
I’m curious if this relies on the fact that we’re looking at on pixelated screens to work. But not so curious that I’ll print it out to check.
Thank you - your description is the only one that allowed me to see the “other” perspective. If I really focus on the “wrong” bottom face and bottom left vertex I can see it the wrong way for a short time but the instant me brain notices the top right vertex it flips back.
Protecting children would mean knowing which users are children, which would mean knowing the actual legal identity of every user of the platform. It’s never going to happen.
A store near me (Canadian Tire) has them linked to their app - you find what you want in the app, go to the aisle listed and tap “find this item” and the LED flashes.
It made me think much harder than I should really admit
I must have a pretty warped sense of humour… haven’t had a good laugh like that in ages.
I was thinking that the only disappointing thing about this situation is that it won’t cause his family(*) the hardship it would cause yours or mine.