They actually first implied it during the Batman: The Animated Series, as a “Sappho and her friend” style relationship, only coming out and saying it later in the comics.
They actually first implied it during the Batman: The Animated Series, as a “Sappho and her friend” style relationship, only coming out and saying it later in the comics.
But why isn’t there an orb in those pictures for him to ponder?
Sorry. Didn’t mean to get anyone’s hope up, but I actually got rid of it a couple decades ago. There really didn’t seem to be much reason to keep it at that point. Good luck. I hope you manage to find one.
I need to contact Sourhwest and see if they want to upgrade to my old Commodore 128 that I’ve got around here somewhere.
You could try this one.
You should have fun and watch “Airplane”, you might have gotten the reference then.
Why else, rule 34 applies.
Well, I had a couple friends where I had to memorize their work numbers as well.
Hail Barbie?
He can hang out with Goo Gull.
Nope, it’s the one with Cylons.
Yes, but what else should Biden and the Democrats do? Because if they stop providing aid to Israel, you can bet Russia and China would be more than happy to offer their assistance, and not only would the assault on Gaza continue, the Russians and Chinese would probably provide Israel with tips on the best way to genocide. By supplying Israel, America at least has a seat at the table and any discussions, and can push Israel towards softening their stance, but the moment they stop providing Israel with assistance, Israel will just block them out, and as I said others would be more than willing to not just step in and help Israel destroy the Gazans, but would love to use it as a testing ground for newer weapons. So, the question is what would you have America do? At least by supplying aid to Israel, they stay involved, and can use their presence to push for peace, but you would have America give up it’s only leverage to help the situation, because if America stopped supplying Israel, they would up just like the UN, World Court, and other international organizations, that are complaining loudly and being completely ignored by the Israeli government.
The Boimler Effect.
You’re just looking to cause trouble with your Star Trek font on a Star Wars meme.
Refusing to play scramblecoin.
That was not Pooty being Playful, that was him warning Carlson that he knows him and his secrets, and if he veers off script, well…let’s just say some of Carlson’s deep hidden secrets may come to light.
But, of course, just Pooty doing the interview revealed a lot. It revealed that things are worse for Russia than Russia is acknowledging, because otherwise Pooty wouldn’t be doing an interview in the first place.
Now I’m even more jealous, you had a view, I just had a wall behind it.
Now I’m jealous, my masturbation center didn’t have that nice hutch on top of the desk.
A riddle for you, Batman, what mexican dish is made with terrapin meat? A Turtilla, of course! Ahahahaha!