Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.
Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.
Start a nuclear war
This can occur when you’re entering the correct password, but there is a typo in the username you entered. Nobody spellchecks the username.
Pros: Inspired the greatest music video game ever created -
Yes, it’s U.S. centric. The CEO of a huge medical insurance company was shot dead in the streets recently.
The other companies listed are also medical insurance companies. So this looks like either a dark joke or a call for violence, depending how you squint at it.
Rule number one: the kids are alright.
The happiest thought I’ve seen all day, and it’s already been a real good day.
Hell yeah baby. Wanna meet Papa November?
Nice job, Hamstray! Homegrown?
Some nascar racer named Brandon won a big race. During the post race interview a chant of “Fuck Joe Biden” went up in the crowd.
The interviewer said they were chanting “Let’s go Brandon”. So dipshits all over started using that phrase as an anti-Biden slogan. This is also why there’s a “Dark Brandon” meme for occasions where Biden trolls the Republicans.
A sign that reflects the eternal truth… You don’t buy beer. You rent it.
Glad you enjoyed it! Personally, I never expected such a thing from a sports reporting site.
Nothing left to do but play football.
Well that’s after the book was mistranslated through version after version.
Utah has an accurate translation that their prophet found by looking into his hat.
That’s not the ZF1. It’s a hoagie.
I think your sarcasm detector might be broken or out of batteries or something.