No one is really posting content to any of the alternatives really. Maybe if you are really into crypto-hype or other very niche topics, there will be a little content. But not much.
No one is really posting content to any of the alternatives really. Maybe if you are really into crypto-hype or other very niche topics, there will be a little content. But not much.
To be honest, I never use Wordpad.
Either I just need to edit something quick, where Notepad excels, or in going to use just about any other option for text editor or word processor.
It’s surprising to see how much attention this is getting. And I can’t help but think how many people commenting about it actually use it to any real degree.
…much cheaper blocks can perform the same task just as well.
We don’t actually know this since no one actually test it, just to be clear.
Unless you are going the “My minivan works just as well as Ferrari for driving to work” angle, which isn’t what the high-end tech segment is really about.
WEI prevents ecosystem lock-in through hold-backs
We had proposed a hold-back to prevent lock-in at the platform level. Essentially, some percentage of the time, say 5% or 10%, the WEI attestation would intentionally be omitted, and would look the same as if the user opted-out of WEI or the device is not supported.
This is designed to prevent WEI from becoming “DRM for the web”.
At least this acknowledges that this proposal would in fact be “DRM for the web” if the only thing from preventing it from being that is an additional measure unrelated to the core implementation.
Not to mention, what prevents a future release of the feature either turning the percentage to 0% or removing the hold-back entirely?
I don’t see the value in complaining about things that haven’t happened yet.
Still better than cable ever was. No long term contracts, extra fees on bills, tons of useless channels and tons of ads.
I think people forget how bad cable TV actually is if they haven’t used it for a while.
It’s more the core of how Discord works then anything. The fact that it’s hard for knowledge to persist, leading to channels just being people asking the same questions over and over.
And it’s not really indexable or searchable, so even if people are trying to provide good information, people are going to struggle to find it.
“Further than that” meaning banning links in general?
But they can still get news from Facebook, they just won’t be getting it from “news outlets” specifically.
How will Canada be better off?
Isn’t this the opposite of what’s happening? Facebook posts can’t contain links to “actual sources” but can contain “random links”?
Well, they won’t be able to get their news from “news outlets” specifically linked on Facebook. They will still be able to get their news from other sources on Facebook.
Not sure if that’s actually an improvement though.
One of the better examples of form over function. I really disliked actually using this mouse whenever I had to.
I ended up going with a smaller Synology as it was actually replacing a RaspberryPi + External drive setup that was failing.
At the end of the day, the Synology was much more expensive, but for me it was worth the trade-off to have a mostly plug and play setup. I can easily move files around in a GUI. I can setup torrents, even configure it to use a VPN and it all takes minutes instead of researching configurations and managing daemons and processes like I had to do previously.
Edit: Also, don’t forget to take into account power consumption when reviewing options. There can be a big difference between running an old desktop 24/7 as a NAS versus a Raspberry Pi.
Without the text of the email how does this news mean anything other than “one side of a legal battle believes they are in the right”?
And aside from the fact that I’m not sure how buying Activision would “eliminate” any gaming platform, how much does that differ from the stance any business has? Does anyone believe that Sony is not out to “eliminate” Microsoft, to borrow the term?
Maybe this is a sign people need to stop expecting everything on the Internet to be free?
You know you’re getting old when even the “budget” item on a list like this seems expensive.
The idea that people are just dropping $300+ on a a headset is crazy to me.
What information in the leaks do you think prove how dangerous Microsoft is?