Popeye. So much so, that my phone autocorrected it to Popeyes, and that doesn’t exist in my country.
So you wanna be a boxer…
I shall name them George and Kuato.
Agus an cead agam dul go dtí on leathras back atcha
Yeah I already blocked him.
Ah fuck off, keep believing the propaganda and ignoring the dead babies.
Are you absolutely shitting me? Proof of Israel killing civilians and kids? I take it you’re Israeli.
Israel isn’t deliberately targeting civilians
Omfg there’s no way a sane person could believe that.
Am Irish btw. No love for hamas, but every sympathy with Palestinians. And full support for our basketball team.
How many of the 12,000 children killed in the conflict were combatants?
Speaking of Hamas, their declared goal is to kill all non Muslims in Israel.
Actions speak louder than words bud! Israel killing ten times as many Palestinians than the other way round for decades definitely does. Of course that was up until last October, since when the difference is far wider.
Where did you get the gold price? This page says $269.
Sexual twice, then never again.
Ok, I haven’t thought about The Dead Milkmen in 25 years it so, but this immediately reminded me of Sarah Jane