What about pirated cookbooks with cookie recipes?
What about pirated cookbooks with cookie recipes?
They’re also a big part of the reason America won the Revolutionary War in the first place.
I don’t make the rules.
Really? Because that rule wasn’t in the original question and you just made it up.
We Americans have been propagandized all our lives to look down on the French, even before they whole “freedom fries” dumbfuckery.
We need to show them more respect.
Free for me, not for thee.
I only respect the opinion of Tom Bombadil and his hot wife, Goldberry.
High heels were invented for men
If so, Mel Brooks did the world a great service.
Does it help to know that the “x” is pronounced like “sh”?
Former friend of mine named herself Dierdre because of Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri.
No, there’s even art in Alex Jones. Remember bad art exists and is still art.
That’s only because you’ve been around them. Also, same.
You could say he went through quite the Metamorphosis
I meant that in kind of a Trump “they’re not sending their best” kind of way.
Our confidence comes from experience. Canada has been sending their worst at us for generations. We fight geese as children.
We’ll all have to adjust to eating land bugs soon enough. Those of us who enjoy ocean bugs have a small headstart.
I was busting my ass to feed ungrateful drunks until 4 AM.
No time for that, the computer’s starting!