Fight me and my bad dentistry you overweight, stetson wearing, language butchering, gun touting redneck.
The UK has a Michelin star restaurant for every 360k people, the US has one for every 1.5million people.
Fight me and my bad dentistry you overweight, stetson wearing, language butchering, gun touting redneck.
The UK has a Michelin star restaurant for every 360k people, the US has one for every 1.5million people.
Dammit, I thought we were joining up with the Arctic.
I don’t do well in the heat :(
Is that a thing? Only pieces of shit use the word triggered now…?
See, to me, you outed yourself as a piece of shit by burning things that could have been donated to kids who have nothing.
So I guess we all have our perspectives huh? :) x
Edit: interesting edit to decide to add the word snowflake to your comment… Trying to work out if you’re being a bit thick or deliberately ironic. Either way it’s an odd decision in this context to be honest.
Ahhhh, you have last word syndrome I see :) x
Then you’re totally welcome :) x
Do you realise the first comment in the thread was just a harmless (amusing even) observation and you were triggered for some reason and responded with “hurrr durrr”…?
You seem like a real cunt :) x
In modular arithmetic you can make 1+1=0 but I’m struggling to think of a situation where 1+1=1 without redefining the + and = functions.
Not saying you’re wrong, but do you have an example? I’d be interested to see
Mathematicians know wolfram is wrong and it was warned in my maths degree that you should “over bracket” in WA to make yourself understood. They tried hard to make it look like handwritten notation because reading maths from a word processor is typically tough and that creates the odd edge case like this.
1/2x does not equal 0.5x or it’d be written x/2 and I challenge you to find a mathematician who would argue differently. There’s no ambiguity and claiming there is because anyone anywhere is having this debate is like claiming the world isn’t definitely round because some people argue its flat.
Sometimes people are wrong.
Sounds like something a fat stupid American would say.
Yeah of course mate, it was a joke about how (historically) we’ve given people plenty of excuses to be.
And there are loads of excuses already. No need to manufacture an extra one! I wonder how many Michelin star restaurants in the UK claim to serve traditional British food though.
But genuinely, does the rest of the world dislike fish and chips, roast dinners, fried breakfasts, and pies? I know the stereotype has been around forever but I always had trouble believing that most non British people wouldn’t really like those foods.
My brother was riding his motorbike when a car turned across his path having not seen him, he was doing 30mph and was launched off the bike, flew over the car, and landed directly on his elbow.
9 hours of surgery rebuilding his arm and now it’s half metal and has about 30-45 degrees of movement. There was serious talk about amputation early on so he kinda got lucky (also lucky to land on an arm rather than his head obviously!)
Motorbikes may be fun and economical but fuck driving them around other cars, eventually you’ll run into a bad driver and if you’re unlucky that could be the end for you.
I imagine they’ll do something once a bus full of kids drives into a river or off a bridge.
Honestly, no I’m far from an expert in political or economic matters. I’m just yet to see a system proposed that could work in reality given how complex humans are and how “value” is almost impossible to define when everyone sees it differently.
Plenty of countries have tried though and none have made it work from what I’ve seen. This is possibly (probably) a gross oversimplification but ultimately someone (or some group) ends up at the top of the tree and unless that group is uncorruptable forever it ends with imbalance.
Asking everyone to share as needed and own nothing would be great if everyone wanted everyone else to be equally happy and nobody was trying to take more for themselves (and if everyone had the same idea of what everything is worth). I think at the very least we can agree that some people are more selfless than others and other people will always exploit that given an opportunity.
Interesting that you deleted the explanation of the post where you got annoyed with your “friend” for choosing to sell their house for a good price in an aconomic downturn…
What a douche eh!?
Can i also interest you in the Southwest? Tolkien based the Shire on it you know :) x
Cornwall can drift into the Atlantic for all I care but Devon/Somerset are surely worth hanging onto!