Sorry, you’re right, I was way too low. But let’s be realistic it will be more like $420,690
Sorry, you’re right, I was way too low. But let’s be realistic it will be more like $420,690
It’s simple, just pay FDOGE(formerly the FDA) $100/mo and you can put a special blue checkmark on your food packaging to signify its not junk food.
I have to recommend 9v instead of AA, there’s an extra little kick to it
Hi I found a 4th pedal on the far left that doesn’t come back up when I press it, and my car makes funny smells now
His orange crush isn’t weed this time
Families were split apart
Other comments touched on it, but it makes more sense to look at them as pro reunification rather than pro NK. They’re still nutty, but not quite as nutty as being pro NK. This is the same group desperately trying to downplay NK involvement in Russias invasion of Ukraine because calling it what it is might damage chances at reunification.
It’s the biggest religion on the planet. Everyone believes the lines protect them. As long as everyone believes that, it works. But when you need help the most, it does nothing to protect you. It’s just lines on some pavement, the people are the ones with all the power.
Honestly, to me the ironic part is the power lines in this artwork are unappealing to me because of the artist not the subject matter. It seems they don’t know what all the lines are or where they go or how they work, so when I look at it and do know what it’s supposed to look like, this just looks like a mess that makes zero sense. The artist has created some sort of electrical fire hazard.
I’ve had some hideous collection of ABP, ublock, and some extension that hides all shorts all on chrome and I’ve somehow completely dodged all the drama in the past year. I’ve never had to manually update or fiddle with any settings. I’ve seen all the crap everyone else is getting, and I constantly think its right around the corner, but nothing. Sometimes the page loads funny and just shows a black rectangle, and i think welp they finally got to me, but an immediate refresh always fixes it. Maybe one day I’ll have to deal with it
The ketchup container isn’t even that unrealistic. I’ve met women that will pull out their own condiments. I’d go as far as to say it’s a massive green flag for me. Please share that purse sriracha, miss.
If you dropped an original iPod that still had a hard drive in it and it stopped working, the fix on every forum was to just drop it again
At least he got the injestable version, Trump is still on the topical cream.
Im still partial to the 1957 borders agreed upon in the board game RISK.
I cant believe im typing this sentence, but Famine actually manages to make chihuahuas look cute.
What he means is it would be a lot easier for him to have adult conversations with underage children on the internet if everyone wasn’t always watching him. How’s he going to buy and hang cartoon CP on the walls if he’s poor though?