It’s like NASA training at home. Next stop, SPAAAAAAACE!
Glitchy things and video games. What even is anything anymore?
It’s like NASA training at home. Next stop, SPAAAAAAACE!
Yeah, my mind has completely separated conservation with conservative. Most folks I know concerned with conservation efforts, are progressive. Most conservatives I know, want to watch the world burn to turn a profit.
Okay but if progress means validating people who are made to feel invalid by a lack of progress, we’re just in the tolerance paradox with different words.
I appreciate your honest response but, I haven’t heard those intentions from anyone claiming to be conservative until just now.
I think it’s fine to celebrate traditions, even fine to share them when asked, or offer to share them with people you know. My family makes these really specific pancakes for holidays, I love making those, great tradition. Some families deny their children basic healthcare because, traditionally their faith tells them to and that’s child abuse, awful tradition. I get what you mean but it’s a pretty shaky argument. As for waiting and reacting, how much longer do we need to wait to react to things like climate change, the homelessness epidemic, the opioid crisis, childhood cancer? If any of your traditions are against solving those problems, I’m sorry but I’m against those traditions and they aren’t compatible with modern society.
I’m curious, why not find a new title for your political beliefs, and shame modern conservatives who line their pockets with money from big corporations? Sounds like the conservative badge isn’t quite reflecting what you’d like it to anymore.
Then maybe it’s time to start considering if conservative values have a place in our world? What does being conservative entail other than limiting the freedoms of other humans and refusing to spend money on anything but the military? Please give me a legitimate reason why we need to resist progress?
Every time I hear that I’m like, “So YOU made your car, home, smart phone, EVERYTHING, yourself? Without the help of any other human being? Congratulations on being so self-sufficient, clearly you don’t need money, or to see a doctor, or to hire a specialist for anything, you can do it all!”
“I had to suffer, so everyone else should too.” is NOT a valid reason to push back against progress.
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