This is so much more reason that these tankies deserve tbh. I appreciate you taking the time to put it into words.
These people should actually try talking to foreigners, students and immigrants. The picture Ukrainian refugees and Taiwanese students paint is a lot less forgiving than the completely unsubstantiated, pseudo-intellectuslist “but that’s CIA propaganda” arguments these authoritarian “leftists” like to throw around. I’m sure such first-hand accounts would be as readily dismissed, mind you, because the goal is clearly not to have an honest discussion to begin with.
What conclusion are you proposing that I came to? My only statement was that denying Western media in favor of Eastern media is not “leftist.” Everything else you and Dessalines have attempted to drag into this discussion is creating either a false dichotomy or a strawman, in some cases both. The options are not “either you listen to PoC or you listen to Western Media,” because not all Western Media nor people of colour agree on every position. Whatever imaginary propaganda you are creating about the State suggesting that China is torturing minorities this minute is not something I have experienced, nor referenced. We have not presented the arguments that you are trying to deconstruct.
You are boxing with shadows, throwing fists with invisible monsters in the dark. I’m not sure if it’s our of poor reading comprehension, poor critical thinking skills, or intentional dishonesty, but there’s clearly a bias here that is useless to engage with.
So instead, we should trust… The other ogliarchic and blatantly fascist empires?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think unapologetic fascism is “leftist.”
Either that or engaging with such incredible lies is a waste of time. But hey, they said something you don’t like, so “red lib.”
If I can, and it’s clean, I always prefer to sit down to piss. I just want a break, man. Leave me alone for 5.
By design, the bots have to be where the people are. If the only people left on Twitter are already indoctrinated, it doesn’t help their cause to be over there. That place will spread disinformation all on its own.
This is not the “same viewpoint Luigi holds.” The Canadian and British examples are grossly exaggerated to the point of being a bad faith argument, which leads me to suspect the US one might be as well.
Lying about the problem doesn’t aid the cause; it harms it.
Okay, like, I can like an aging Sony dad AND think all this pearl-clutching and hand wringing about “wokism ruining games” just because Ciri could actually arm wrestle me and drink me under a table is bonkers. It’s not Ciri’s fault that she can achieve a level of badass that these chuds can only imagine.
Try this argument again when a grade school bully has the power and privilege of a health care CEO who makes ~10 Million USD a year off of the suffering of millions.
Hey, let’s not discredit the amazing work that Brian Thompson accomplished as CEO! Before his joining UnitedHealthCare in 2022, their denial rate was 8%. Then, only one short year later, he managed to successfully drive that denial rate up to almost 28%! As the UnitedHealthCare conglomerate served some 122 million Americans that year, you can easily discern that Brian Thompson was directly responsible for ensuring that ~24 million Americans had their claims denied. Imagine how much less UHC would have made for their investors if they had to pay an addition 24 million American’s health care claims!
So before giving all the credit to the board members and share holders, let’s take a moment to understand exactly how hard Brian Thompson worked to ensure some ~24 million Americans went without doctor-approved medical support that they previously were entitled to.
All this data is publically available on Wikipedia, by the way.
Okay, I get the meme, but let’s not conflate what Brian Thompson did with the knowledge and skill required to practice medicine.
He had a bachelor of business administration, and his claim to fame was increasing UnitedHealthCare’s denial claim rate from 8% to nearly 28%, while passing the profits from causing such widespread misery, suffering, and I am sure in many cases death, on to his investors and pocketing enough to never need to think about wealth again. The worst and least ethical of practicing doctors did more for society than Brian Thompson. Choosing to do nothing meaningful is a greater credit to society than Brian Thompson.
What if I told you that, when I help others, I don’t do so expecting them to return the favor in the future? It’d be great if they did, I am sure some of them will, and many of them have, but that was never what it was about.
They already do have power over other people, and they like it that way. What they’re fighting against is anyone who wants to take away from their fake meritocracy where they can continue to control and abuse the lives of the people who are under their thumbs in the workplace.
This is the part that needs to get repeated over, and over again. What we’re fighting against is a group that wants to maintain the status quo because it advantages them. Nothing more, nothing less. If we want to win, we need them to see that cooperation is in their greater interest. Unfortunately, the left-most available political parties have failed to show them that time and time again, so they’re turning the other direction.
Gets it in one.
There’s a reason everyone is currently demonizing liberal ideology instead of standing up for the rights that the conservatives are working to strip away.
They are not. Neo-liberalism is a plague on the moderate liberal centrist voters that we should be appealing to and educating instead of painting them all with the broad-stroke brush of “enemy.” The majority of liberal voters are left-aligned on social issues, and we should be appealing to that.
Correct, and this is the real issue I am identifying when I point to this anti-liberal discourse as of late.
Most of your common liberal voters are not in support of the things we are fighting against. They are poorly educated and mislead, and continuing to paint them as the enemy is making the problem worse and giving the far-right more power. “You’re either with us or against us” mentality isn’t conductive to genuinely solving socio-political problems.
Fuck libertarians and neo-liberalism. They are not liberals, nor the centrists I was pointing to in my earlier post.
The ramp up of anti-liberal propaganda around here is concerning. If the enemy is the right, why are we targeting the centrists?
Last time I checked, that’s just called polyamory. The thing where they don’t know is called cheating. We don’t need a qualifier pushing a conservative narrative of what love is.