The US was founded by some crazy cult members who had extreme views about sex. The Mormons came out of such a cult, but were pushed out of the country. Most of those old cults are still around to this day.
The religious views from these cults lingers on in our social conscience, probably most notable in our sexual repression and sexual censorship. Those old cult views instilled the idea that sex was depraved and not something to cherish and enjoy. So we still, at least subconsciously, hide sexuality out of a sense of righteousness and politeness.
The gender neutral for nephew/niece is nibling
Lol, you have to use fractional measures because each degree is further apart. I thought I had made that point. Sure you won’t ever get rid of all fractional measuring in any system, but it’s much easier if you don’t have to use as much
I pointed something similar with regard to thermometers to a group of European tourists. In Farenheidt, 98.6 is the normal temperature and if you are getting sick, people will say that 99 is a low-grade fever. While that is a. 4 degree difference in F, that’s only a .2 difference in C.
Likewise for weather, F is much more precise and easier to communicate given that there is a smaller interval between units. There’s more than 2 units difference in F for every 1 unit difference in C. That’s huge when you’re talking about the difference between 38 and 39 C
I’m using Connect and it provides an option to block an instance
I’ve seen a lot of posts recently about FOSS. I’m not a programmer, so I don’t know anything about it. What is FOSS and does it have a big advantage over other software designs?
I live in TX and we’ve had many Christmases at that temperature.