Rights are something that the society you live in and contribute to, grants you!
There are no inherent human rights to be had! Even being alive is a happening not a right! You’re born because your parents fucked, there was nothing special about it!
L.E. I see a lot of snowflakes are bothered by what I said, good. Maybe you start thinking once about what you have, instead of whining about what you would like!
So the obvious truth is starting to get shouted in the streets: het muslim communities dream about a caliphate in Europe. It will get messy for our kids.
Yeah, we are so much better than them because … (insert own reason of entitlement)!
classic phrase repeated each generation since recorded history
Interesting, and you just happen to stumble upon and share with us this crucially important and unknown trivia gem of a fact, right?
Just grow the fuck up already!
Well good for you. What you’re trying to do is an argumentum ab auctoritate. Even if it was true it would give you a heavily biased and schewed information about the real life in comunism because you would have been in the circle of the privileged. The Party “aristocracy” so life probably would have been good and dandy.
On the internet you can find any kind of information, there are methods to verify the sources and compile coherent streams of information about anything. But this means work and time and it’s easier to find an ecochamber in a “dedicated” forum and feel good about yourself.
L.E. my arguments are neither strong nor weak. I’ve mentioned their source so you know why I’m stating them. Like I already said your or someone else validation of them is not required.
Arguments that comunism was bad? The internet is gushing with info (videos, testimonies, history, you name it) you just have to look at it and consider it.
Convincing somebody over the internet? You don’t want to see any other opinion, you just want to pick an argument with me to test your “revolutionary claws” against the “bourgeois” and/or the “imperialist pigs”!
I don’t know what you’ve been through to embrace these ideas and I don’t care. I’ve seen my grandparents believing like you that “the grass is greener” - they got wiser through reality checks. I’ve seen my parents live in the “Age of Gold” and being disappointed that their whole youth work was in vain, I’ve experienced some goodies on my own.
And everbody reached the conclusion that: “In capitalism the man exploits the man, in comunism it’s the other way around!”
Why, you think I need your validation of my life experience from you?
Yup, you guys where hit worst than most. Not only as magnitude order but also as time span.
Yup, I know what I’m talking about, unfortunately for me I’ve been “blessed” of being born in comunism. Can you say the same thing about yourself?
I can’t read the original article but in the context I’m getting (cpi report) the title is either sarcastic or incredibly stupid.
The comunist spin is cringy. Please stop.
In a period where the biggest constant public health threat is obesity and food is wasted by millions of tons each year I somehow stubbornly don’t think that the problem with having what to eat is a real.
Another “poor me, the snowflake” meme.
For those living in Europe please add: the spanish flu pandemic so “a plague”, the expansion of communism, post war reconstruction (twice).
Edit: typos
Oh so true, not like our forefathers who had everything sooo easy … /s
Here there is a cesspit of inexperienced communists. That means you are dreaming of something written in books or explained by other dreamers but haven’t yourself experience the “superior” lifestyle of the “new man”.
I haven’t read all the links in detail but at least the statistics concerning my country are total bullshit. They aren’t faked but the results are misrepresented in a more perverse and I dare to say “comunist way” (meaning the same practices that dominated my country and society for 45 years).
L.E.: it seems my comment hit a sensitive spot. Thank you!
Corect, but if the state is or isn’t serving those within, is a decision to be taken by the same individuals. Up to now those who are considering this are a small subset of the citizens which agrregate in underground forums and not actively trying to change the society and have a positive impact.
Housing is necessary for life but it was never a right in that society. Also necessary for life are water, clothing, food, medical assistance, etc. None of them are rights of the people within that society. It may not correct but it is what it is.