Very Confucian
Very Confucian
How do you survive a family reunion with only 1 beer?
Because it’s got a better app than reddit
I don’t know, I mean Gemini tells me that there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza
Still not as bad as the faces of atheism thing
Wow, the ayatollah and Klan grand master are pissed
Ahhhh yes, I see you that you know your judo well
His dad lived to 93 and his mum until 88. He might be with us for another couple of decades
It’s not arbitrary, it’s a picked identity which shares some common features.
There is no risk of that, because no one cares about ohio or Cincinnati. It is the most vanilla of room temperature things this world has on offer
As an Aussie I didn’t get this joke, we just get up and pay
Why are we laughing at bombed out countries?