it’s just like me frfr
Nice try, fed.
it’s just like me frfr
the liberals got the world they fought so hard for when USSR was dissolved, against the will of the people, and they havent stopped crying about it since
Neither communism, nor capitalism. A mysterious third way ((it’s fascism)and thus still capitalism))
My grandparents were forced to cut onions in the soviet onion! they still remember this when they cry and how stalin was holding the big spoon up to them and demanding more onions! “mr stalin sir too many onions is going to cause flatulence” they screamed but stalin didnt care
Unlike you snowflakes, I’m not so easily triggered!
false, most amerikkkans will not have the self-awareness to feel bad about it
I can hardly wait for Ukraine to fall so that I can stop listening to all the fucking “experts” telling me how Russia is just doing human wave tactics like they’re playing an undead faction in a vidya
I-S-R-A-E-L also works I feel, language is funny like that
dw they’ll get back to you after they write their own.
it’s going to be Harry Potter but Harry is gay, nothing else changes
Lines for food
yeah i stood in one of these a few days ago, the fucky thing is that i had to pay for the food after i reached the end of the line
concerning life expectancy and quality of life and corruption, funnily enough
But behind the self destructive behaviour, the authors say, are economic factors, including rising poverty rates, unemployment, financial insecurity, and corruption. Whereas only 4%of the population of the region had incomes equivalent to $4 (£2.50) a day or less in 1988, that figure had climbed to 32%by 1994. In addition, the transition to a market economy has been accompanied by lower living standards (including poorer diets), a deterioration in social services, and major cutbacks in health spending.
“What we are arguing,” said Omar Noman, an economist for the development fund and one of the report’s contributors, “is that the transition to market economies [in the region] is the biggest … killer we have seen in the 20th century, if you take out famines and wars. The sudden shock and what it did to the system … has effectively meant that five million [Russian men’s] lives have been lost in the 1990s.” Using Britain and Japan with their ratio of 96 men to every 100 women as the base population, the report’s authors have calculated that there are now some 9.6 million “missing men” in the former communist bloc. “The typical patterns are that a man loses his job and develops a drinking problem,” said Mr Noman. “The women then leave and the men die, first emotionally and then physically.”
Overall, the Russian death rate from accidents most of them involving alcohol has risen 83% since 1991. source
The finns about what their country was like in 1920-1945
fuck, i wish i could just go to the woods and wrestle some goblins for their shitty weapons that i can then sell at the supermarket for 5gp a pop
yeah, i was gonna say. arent most israelis from europe? the jews who originally lived in palestine went to persia mostly.
:“Everything I don’t like is political. If it’s something I like, then it’s not political, but just common sense and has been that way since the dawn of time.”
bah gawd its beautiful
the golden age of flash animations/games was a fun time to be a teenager