Well he is on the left banister. But it’s the banister in his right? Is this an allegory?
So, no. You’re just looking for someone to hear you scream. Cool.
Can you point out the wilful ignorance or deliberate belligerence? Not including the guy who called the stuff he didn’t like to read a “miasma of stupidity”
My guy, this was a respectful conversation. Where the hell did that come from? You’re allowed to disagree with @Xanthobilly, but you’re way out of line.
Well, some advice you didn’t ask for, and that I don’t always follow: it’s easier to start a conversation where it is, and direct people towards the productive conversation you want to have, than to start off by calling someone a villain for something they already said. You didn’t make your point easy to appreciate.
I will say you’ve given me some food for thought, though.
So, telling people to not try and be funny, even those you agree with, is definitely alienating your allies. I hear what you’re saying, but I have also seen parents losing their ever loving shit at PTA meetings… And to say that everyone must treat those ignorant displays with quiet respect, because CRT was mentioned… Seems a bit beyond the pale.
Okay, so, I am reading what you’re saying, and I don’t really know how one could make a joke that isn’t, by your understanding, part of the conservative agenda.
And if that’s what you think, I am curious why you’re looking at memes at all.
I think you’re alienating your allies here. This is clearly intended to be left leaning, and you’re lumping OP with Trump and facists.
You don’t know what to do with the three seashells?