I would argue that the British Empire and Belgium were pretty fucking evil long before the US came into existence.
I would argue that the British Empire and Belgium were pretty fucking evil long before the US came into existence.
Or it serves as a way to dissipate the smoke smell when breathing out. In my college days, we called it a “sploof.”
Your son has ice in his veins. I’m very impressed.
It’s part of the training. People are happier when they have food in their mouths, so that’s why waitstaff wait until your mouth is full before asking. That way, they can avoid complaints.
Ever since I read through the Discworld series, I always think of this when I see comments like the one above. GNU, Terry Pratchett.
For those of you who want to hear how that super long city name is pronounced. Or, you can learn how to say it from this catchy song!
Makes me crave a regular human alcoholic beer.
…and making your partner cum on Shabbos is a mitzvah
It’s not just a mitzvah, it’s a double mitzvah!
For serious. I was wondering why there were so few comments on this post, but with that first one there’s no need for other comments.
How do you know my inner thoughts, OP?
That’s some Shadowrun level dystopian shit
That dude is everywhere. Yes, he became iconic for his Joker voice in Batman: The Animated Series, but my god he’s in so much TV. He was hilarious for his brief appearance in “What We Do in the Shadows,” and he killed it in Adventure Time. I mean seriously, look at his IMDB page.
Reminds me of an old joke. “How do you know if someone runs Arch Linux?” “Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.”
I was using Thunderbird when I switched to Fedora, but then I found out about Evolution. If you use GNOME, I think it’s much better.
שנה תובה! I’m stealing this meme for next year.
That’s a fair point. The US empire expanded tremendously after all the war profiteering from WW2, which allowed for the evil that we see today.