A lot of people in this thread claiming that turkeys can fly, are not realizing that in context of this meme the turkeys were tossed from a helicopter. Makes a difference.
A lot of people in this thread claiming that turkeys can fly, are not realizing that in context of this meme the turkeys were tossed from a helicopter. Makes a difference.
Punish third and fourth generations for the sins of their ancestors. Sure whatever.
Showing love to a thousand who love and keep commandments. Sure fine.
But what happens if my grandparents loved and kept commandments, but my parents didn’t? Does the punishment supersede the love? Or do me and my kids get fucked, but my grandkids are back in the good graces?
Just sayin.
Who wants to bet that most commenters will place themselves in the blue zone?
Thankfully I can look down on everyone as I’m firmly at the top of that curve.
“You’re in contempt of court. You have been fined $x and continued refusal to swear the oath will land you in prison until you do. Jackass.”
That’s what the judge does.
Muscles weigh more than shit. When you were shitting, you were flexing really hard and built muscle.
Congrats on the gains.
Maybe the one on the left is pregnant? Ever think of that?
Far too reasonable for this thread. You have to pick a side. You either have to believe that parents and children bare no responsibility for their intrusions on strangers lives or you have to believe that all babies should be exiled from public spaces until they are old enough to behave.
Edit: /s cause this thread is ridiculous enough to need it.
There’s no mixed messages here. That guy just hates everyone.
Expound please.