Congrats. You’re an emotionally mature and aware adult. Most people never get to that stage. Its fucking bewildering.
Congrats. You’re an emotionally mature and aware adult. Most people never get to that stage. Its fucking bewildering.
The issue isn’t that the parties are the same. It is that neither should be in power. And you’re all too fucking brainwashed to realize the only way out of this mess without violent revolution is a third party gaining power. And even with, probably.
I have spent a very considerable amount of time tinkering with using ai models of all sorts.
Personally, I don’t know shit. I learned about… Zero entropy loss functions (?) The other day. That was interesting. I don’t know a lick of calculus and was able to grok what was going on thanks to a very excellent YouTube video. Anyway, I guess my point is that suddenly everyone is an expert.
I’m not. But I think it’ neat.
Like. I’ve spent hundreds or possibly thousands of hours learning as much as I can about AI of all sorts (as a hobby) and I still don’t know shit. I trained a gan once. On reddit porn. Terrible results. Great learning.
Its a cool state to be in cuz there’s so much out there to learn about.
I’m not entirely sure what my point is here beyond the fact that most people I’ve seen grandstanding about this stuff online tend to get schooled by an actual expert.
I love it when that happens.
We don’t want you.
If past.lives are real then every hr employee across the globe had a past life as some middle manag3mentnpaper.pusher making the Holocaust possible.
If you work in hr there’s about a 99℅ you are irredeemably evil.
No joke when this lab grown meat stuff finally hits its stride I’m going to start making calls to find out how much it would cost to grow me meet in a lab so I can eat myself.
I can’t wear wool. It physically hurts and causes a rash. I want to like wool. I want to wear wool. I can appreciate that wool is good. But even cashmere I’d like sandpaper.
I think we all know what the solution is. We need to genetically engineer a sheep that is 15 times as big with wool 200 times softer the reproduces by laying eggs, and make it so that it produces mostly drone sheep that are able to care for it without human intervention, grooming it attentively and instinctually building large hives out of the coarse wool we currently call wool, so that all we have to do is harvest the total wool to have cuddly soft garments in cute colors.
This is one of those things no one talks about but should. This is what the morning after do8ng a bunch if cocaine is like every time.
My dick is still out
If it’s to usher in facism? Probably a lot of them.
If it’s a real fight worth fighting for.? Like, 10?
When they say gender they mean sex.
They mean different things to you. They don’t to them.
There, argument over.
Like , fully gay? Or is it more like 50, 75%? I don’t know this for a fact but I’m thinking I could probably have / see a fair amount of dude on dude stuff if I got to see / have regular girl on girl on girl and dude stuff.
Finnegan’s wake is a far easier read. Pick a random page anywhere and it makes no fucking sense at all.
Stop enabling this shit.
They can intentionally take space or they can talk it out but this shit is infantile and no one with any self respect should tolerate it.