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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • No, I have a lot of experience in liberal organizations and they are not, despite the memes, closer to conservatism than progressivism. It honestly makes me feel like most people on lemmy have never really worked with liberal groups.

    The major differences between a liberal and a social democrat or progressive comes down largely to deciding when a market has failed and when to use government intervention, both Liberals and progressives are fine with intervention, only the threshold changea. We want the same things, mostly, but disagree on how to get them.

    Conservatives, philosophical Conservatives anyway, won’t typically even consider such a thing, and often do not even want the same things as Liberals or progressives.

    This both sides same stuff just hurts progressive causes, because it sours mushy people with little to no real philosophy on voting for liberal parties. Those people flip flop back to Conservatives when they get angry and we lose the progress we’ve made, as is about to happen in Canada.

  • Thank you for your genuine interest in electricity generation in my local area. The electricity mix where I’m from is a combination of wind, nuclear, and hydro electric. In emergencies we have a backup combustion system that will kick in. My power company publishes a neato dashboard all about it, it’s actually at most 1/6th and usually 1/12th or lower g/MWH CO2 VS coal fired power production.

    But curiously enough, even if it were run entirely on coal, my electric car would still produce much less CO2 over its lifespan, and have the potential to get cleaner as grids improve, since gasoline is so much more CO2 intense and Ice engines are so mature without much more room for serious efficiency gains.

    I’m super glad you were curious enough to ask me such open ended questions, and really happy that my work in this area gave me the knowledge to answer your obviously genuine questions. Now you can be proud to know something you didn’t know a few minutes ago becuase of your open mindedness.

  • Ah yes, classic gish gallop. You make 10 claims with no support and everyone else needs to do the legwork.

    Yet I present you with a single term, gish gallop, and you ask me for the definition. Curious this double standard. Further demonstration that you are an unserious person making an unserious argument.

    You’re picking fights, more or less.

    Now, let me pick one of your points to counter and at the same time demonstrate why the gish gallop makes you unserious.

    A serious person would, for example, not just ask why men have a 3x higher suicide rate, but would at least cover the gender paradox and therefore recognize that young women have higher rates of suicidal ideation and attempt suicide more often than men of the same age. Women overall attempt suicide 2 to 4x more often but have a lower completion rate. Gender discrepancies in suicide completion come down to myriad factors including the tool used and strength differences, not typically found to be due to men getting a bad deal from society though, or whatever point you wanted to make.

    So here’s the thing, you get to make that 3x claim devoid of meaningful sources and context (and I will reply in turn ala Hitchens Razer) , and in a single sentence tucked in the middle of a pile of other claims. Me, on the other hand, have to write a whole paragraph to dispute it. Now imagine how long and involved a reply to the full gish gallop is. It will, in fact, be longer to address each and every talking point you make than it was for you to write it. Worse, you push the burden of finding evidence for your claims off onto others. Worse still, as you’ve already demonstrated, being called out leads you to ad hominem and strawman arguments.

    You aren’t serious and nobody should feel obligated to reply to you as if you are.

  • You didn’t make objective arguments, you made ten assertions in the form of questions, without sources or papers or support, and then attacked me personally with a story you made up on the spot with absolutely no true knowledge of me or my background.

    You have no credibility, and nobody should listen to you, and certainly nobody should waste time cataloging, researching, sourcing and then articulating a response to that gish gallop.